Friday, December 10, 2010

New Riders of the Purple Sage-Panama Red


Northern California State Militia

     Check the new recruits out Odie! What do you think? Do we have a chance in the upcoming crisis?

Our Good Muslim Neighbors Want To Play

     Read this to see what the Islamic world wants to export to the US.----
Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles in Venezuela; Can Reach the U.S.

     Then read my next blog post to see what we are exporting to them!

Let's Play Ball With Them!

     The latest news from the Middle East---- The Wall St. Journal reports that NBA players are getting big oil bucks for playing in Iran, Lebanon, Syria and other Islamic states. The crowds of opposing Shite and Shia factions were getting so violent in Beirut that technical fouls were imposed on THEM and they could not return to the game the following week!
     Last week Glenn Beck drew heat from Soros and Media Matters for claiming that at least 10% of Mooslems were Jihadi terrorists. He didn't say that of course; but polls worldwide find the numbers of followers that support attacks on Americans at home and abroad is between 30% and 70% depending on the region.
     Our ambassador to Britain was spotted recently at the home of radical islam in England; the East London Mosque;  "schmoosing" up to known Jihadi radicals. He invited some of the 'yutes' present to visit the United States, even though many were on the terrorist watchlist. When asked about the visit, the US Embassy said, "it was all part of Obama's "Outreach to Muslims" program and quite alright with them."
     "Ambassador Sussman was visiting Mosques all over Britain."
      Anwar Al Alaki Of Fort Hood fame visited there just last year and told the Muslims there not to cooperate with terrorism investigations.

   Well, I see that things are just fine and dandy with our Islamic foreign relations---Oh, I forgot about that recent bombing plot in Baltimore. Well, gee, I guess that we can take one on the chin once in a while if our Glorious Leader can.      

It's only a game---right?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Anger Management Needed Here

The Warrior Bard: Meet the Liberal Elite!  You did it!---You did it!
     I just love it when the Lefties expose themselves for what they really are---A bunch of angry children fighting over the last piece of "American Pie." Barack's angry speech yesterday, filled with dissasembling rhetoric, was just a sign of things to come.
     The hard left threatens violence---Congress blames Obummer for caving in to Republican pressure to keep the Bush tax cuts in place for all---And The Great One will never accept blame for anything; as he calls it a stimulis plan. The disarray of the Democrats will only show itself more as January approaches.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Food Safety Act---Hall Of Shame---Donations

Money talks, but if you are a small farmer--YOU'RE BULL DON'T WALK--without Federal permission that is.
     Sorry---I warned you a year ago, but the die was cast!

You Will Believe This Crap--Or Else!

     Well, Emperor Soros and his arm--The Center For American Progress demanded that the mighty Obama use his "Star Power" to impose executive orders and regulation on us if he could not force through any more legislation in a gridlocked congress. The people have spoken on Nov.2nd but "WE AREN'T LISTENING" is their mantra. 
     The FCC is about to use it's unconstitutional executive "Czar Power" to impose The Fairness Doctrine and Net Neutrality all at once. He longs for the good old days when The NY Times, The Washington Post, NBC, CBS, and ABC gave us all the propaganda we needed (in the times of "Real Journalism" fifteen or twenty years ago when talk radio was handcuffed and FOX was nonexistant) --Like telling us that The imposed famine in the Ukraine was a made up farce, and that Stallin was a humanitarian.
     The draconian regulations about to hit us hard here on the web and on radio are long and almost undecipherable except for those who will interpret them as they go. This is purposeful. "You have to pass it before you can understand it."---right. Except this time you don't even have a say in passage. "We don't need no stinkin' law!"
     The first thing that hits you in the face when you see some of this proposal is this----When you choose to enter a conservative website, if the site offers opinion on a subject, it will be required to offer opposing views at the same time. Now I know why my Google acct. was hacked by The Huffington post, and the Moonbattery site has been "compromised." You may be seeing opposing, disgusting, leftist, moonbat thought infiltration popping up at will in our favorite sites real soon----Maybe Yours!

     Please watch the video below to see some of this petty Czar's views and a sign of the media takeover to come.
     You may have heard this week that GE got 16 Billion dollars in TARP Obamabucks. Now you don't think that money comes without strings do you? Kick some back in the form of donations Imelt, and tow the Party Propagandist line and NBC?MSNBC get favored status--Same goes for the NY Times/Wasington Times syndicate, and the Seimens run Huffington Post. But if we try to expose the truth--WE GET SLAPPED!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Next Stop?

Coming soon--you will be prepared for during the next emergency. 

I will give you the particulars soon, but you can find more about "FEMA emergency powers" by listening to the Congressman in this next video----------------Try very hard--you will understand-------Got it yet?

King Boyd

  I see that yesterday the Congress approved almost three billion dollars in reparations to blacks who "thought " that they might have wanted to be farmers if given Interior Department grant money. Shady trial lawyers went door to door to sign up welfare mothers in poor black southern communities for this class action lawsuit against the federal agency. There were only 80,000 black farmers in the nation and the lawsuit represents 84,000 with many more victims to come!  Native Americans also are going to receive billions for oil rights that were "stolen" from them by the federal government.
     What this opens the door for is ongoing litigation from victim's groups such as La Raza and Hawaiian Nationalists (who Obama favors) to sue for ever mounting reparations for past grievances by America.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Power Train---Next Stop...

     This is the response of one PR specialist to the speaker in my blog post of yesterday--"The Power Is In The Wrong Hands."

     "The Federal Reserve isn't federal at all; you're right, it's basically a privately owned bank, a cartel that loans you your own money at interest, and it's creation was the beginning of the end of the free-market system.
     The United States was built to run on individual freedom, that's true but because you've let these control freaks have their way with it for almost hundred years, your country now runs on debt. Today Goldman Sachs is the engine, and in case you haven't realized it yet, the American people are nothing but the fuel.
     "The Committee of Three Hundred exists, And the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome--they all exist. And they are globalists; they're wealthy and powerful beyond anything you can imagine. There are predators among them, absolutely ruthless people, but all of them together really do run things in this world, just like you say they do. There's nothing secret about these societies, though. No hidden conspiracies: they do what they do right out in the open.
     "See, the place that I work is where all the secrets get told, because they have to tell us their secrets before we can hide them. But here's the interesting thing: Do you know why I am not worried about sharing any of this with you? All they've got to do is keep you bickering amongst yourselves, overwhelmed with conflicting Information, or fretting about conspiracies, or hypnotized in front of the TV and the computer or standing around here thinking you are fighting back, and you'll never even get close to doing them any harm.
     There really is a New World Order on the way, but it isn't new. It's been coming for a long long time. You let yourselves get distracted with a thousand conspiracy theories, but there's only one truth at the heart of them all. George Carlin said it better than I can: "Up at the very top, it's a big club, and you're not in it. They've got all the power and you've got none of it."

From the "Overton Window" by Glenn Beck

New World Order - Our Leaders Are Ready. Are You?

     Read on---This is a three post series----starting with "The Real Power is in the Wrong Hands"

Jim Quinn Retires This Week

An old friend from my neck of the woods in Washington County PA is retiring this week. Jim Quinn is leaving WPGB 104.7 Pittsburgh for a career in private enterprise. I grew up listening to Jim in the 60's and 70's on 13Q AM and KQV Pittsburgh. He was a wild eyed Harley riding radio jock then. He has long since morphed into a respected and extremely controversial talk show host.
     With Rose Tennant (seen above in Washington,  PA) and guest host on The Sean Hannity Show as his co-host on "America's Morning show", they have risen to the top--#1 rated morning show and talk station in their market, and prominence nationwide on XM. Jim is a staunch supporter of the military. He and Rose support many worthwhile veterans causes. Rose--(a devout Catholic) and Jim have been at work advocating traditional marriage and the pro-life movement for years.
     Jim is well known for his outspoken views on Wahhabist Islam and his disdain for it. You can visit their website at You will find many worthwhile articles and causes there as well as Jim's well known "BS Detector" and 'Exploding Palestinian" key chains. I am not selling anything here, but these are the cool stuff. There is also some very good Christmas music to sample from "The Interior Castle" as well.
     I posted "Quinn's Rules and Guidebook" two years ago and can still be found on The Scottcarp Dream. I will be reposting them soon. He has been an inspiration to me and my writing for a long time. Jim Quinn will be sorely missed on the airwaves by me and many others (and his departure cheered by many a "Barking Moonbat")--Jim quoted the phrase first!
     Good luck to you Jim old man in all your endeavours; I hope to see you driving that gas guzzling Vette of yours around same as always.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Real Power Is In The Wrong Hands

"Now the Congress does not decide (your fate in a crisis). It's much worse than that. Since Presidential decision directive number fifty-one, it's official. the president decides. The duly elected president takes control of the whole enchilada, what they call in Presidential Decision Directive number sixty-seven'the Enduring Constitutional Government.' On His command the U.S.A becomes the ECG and it stays that way until our new benevolent emperor decides the coast is clear again. The truth is that it could happen any time they want.In case you don't know it the powers that be have kept this country in an official state of national emergency almost every day since 1933.
Do you realize that if you live within a hundred miles of a coastline or a US border you're in what is called a 'constitution free zone", where the entire Bill of Rights can disappear in a heartbeat? That's not me talking, that's the ACLU. Two-thirds of us live in that zone; that's two hundred million American citizens."
     Well, ladies and gentlemen, I hereby declare this spot where I'm standing now, and every single square inch of this great land from sea to shining sea, according to the unalienable rights and powers endowed to me by my creator to be a Free Speech Zone!"
    Exerpted from "The Overton Window"--By Glenn Beck

Which Way Did He Go George?

Check out my latest posting on my new site--"The Distorted View" found on my profile page!

Friday, November 26, 2010

I Believe It

                                   I have only one response at first glance...
                 ATHIESTS DIE ALONE-

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mama Michelle Knows Best

The First Lady's new initiative, as you know, is leaning down our children with nutritious food. She will be installing salad bars in 5000 public schools soon if the funding passes Congress. Schools are balking at the added headache of the government regulation involved as well as the health risks for  kids around salad bars. Washington DC schools have three meals a day now as do many others nationwide. Liscenced chefs are being employed to make sure the little darlings get their best offerings. The newest Leftie idea for Detroit of course is to bulldoze it and build a "farmers paradise" with no "food deserts" for the poor disadvantaged minorities anymore. But of course, as you may expect, the Elite arugula lovers have far grander schemes in mind for you and your backyard garden. Big Pharma and Monsanto have teamed up with the regime to make almost everything that you do in your backyard illegal. Only Govt. approved seed (genetically altered not to reproduce naturally)--govt. approved fertilizer-- govt. approved irrigation methods and crop standards will be allowed under HR 1332 and SR 510, among other regs. being proposed by Congress and The Dept. of Agriculture. Restaurants will be fined for too much trans fat or salt. Natural healing methods and distribution of herbs and nutritional supplements will be harshly regulated or banned completely. Small farms will give way to large corporate farming interests (sound familiar?)  and "vegan' organic growers who get Obamabucks subsidies. The bad part is--this is supported by Rhinos as well. Here come the Food Police!   

A Song For You-Leon, Willie, and Ray

On this week of Thanksgiving, I thank our Lord Jesus for my dearly departed wife Judy, and the 20 years that he blessed me with to be with her. This song is dedicated to her.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Constitution And The Presidential Abuse Of Power

I am inspired by the latest Imprimis to quote from a speech by Mike Pence, U.S. representative, Indiana,s 6th Congressional District. This free publication and audio version is available at hillsdale college. The full text can be read below. "Our nation finds itself in a position of a dog whose duty is not to ask why--because the "why" is too elevated for his nature--but simply to obey.
     America is not a dog, and does not require a "because-I-said-so" jurisprudence; or legislators who knit laws of such complexity that they are heavier than chains; or a president who acts like, speaks like, and is received as a king."
     "It is not the president's job to manipulate the nation's youth for the sake of his agenda or his party."
     Were a primer to be written by the American people, whether of 1776 or 2010, you can be certain that it would contain the following instructions.
     You do not bow to kings. Outside of our shores, The President of the United States of America bows to no man. When in foreign lands, you do not criticize your own country. You do not apologize to the enemies of the United States. Should you be confused, a coa people, or region that harbors, shelters, supports, encourages, or cheers attacks opon our country or the slaughter of our friends and families are enemies of the United States. And to repeat, you do not apologize to them."

     I could go on, but the full text is available below.
     In my opinion Mike Pence deserves serious consideration for the Republican nod for the 2012 presidential candidacy. I have considered this for some time and this man's solid background in the Constitution "as written", and his belief in The Creator's role in the founding of our nation are but two reasons for a closer look at Mike Pence. It is early yet but he beats out some of the 2008 Rhino backbenchers hands down in my eyes. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Jay Rockefeller Is Infested

Sen. Rockefeller, Democrat Socialist-WV has a bug up his butt. Or maybe one in his ear of the Crabus-Sorosus variety. His little bug is telling him that the FCC should shut down FOX and MSNBC. He says that it would improve political discourse and raise the public's opinion of government. Soros has spent millions to shut down FOX and Glenn Beck. Rockefeller is just another tool of the Soros machine and thr radical left. Old Jay is becoming as irrelevant as MSNBC itself. I think he should visit Janet Nepolitano for a full body scan and cavity search; then get a full delousing; take his fortune that he inherited from his globalist, war profiteering father and fly back to the hills. Remember that he once said that the internet should never have been invented.

Here is a sidenote for your reference. Jay's wife is CEO of the Washington DC NPR affilliateWETA.

Perhaps we should turn over all news broadcasting to Mrs. Rockefeller, Theresa Heinz, and Ariana Huffington. It could be broadcast on the All Oprah All The Time Channel with the cast of the View in charge. Now that's real entertainment huh folks?

Obama Opens New Front In His War On America

No sooner had the Nov. 2nd elections passed, than it soon became evident that forces were being mustered for a new attack on our national sovereignty. In the face of Chinese and Russian development of new modern missle systems and delivery systems (see above and in following posts) Obama is forcing the US into a unilateral disarmament START treaty with Russia. This treaty will cut our nuclear force by 30% and alldelivery systems--for nuclear and non nuclear weapons--by 50%. Defense secretary Gates has just offered a bribe to Republican Senators in the form of 4 billion dollar promise to upgrade and maintain what will be left of our defenses. This should be in the existing defense budge,  but Obama and the Dems. held it out as a bargaining chip for this purpose. This has TOP PRORITY with this regime during the lame duck session of Congress. Weaken us now and it will be impossible for us to respond in kind for any strike from any source. Rebuilding and maintaining our defenses will take decades of work right now if saner Conservative leadership is ever in power again. 

This is part of a new push in Obama's globalist agenda. Coming up tomorrow---Banke Moonbat and the UN push for global taxes on all energy sources and financial transactions. This is supported of course by Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. Remember that Obama, as Senator once introduced a The Global Poverty Act which would give the UN the power to attach at least one tenth of the US GDP. More to come.....   

Monday, November 15, 2010

The End Is Near!

This man was a Nixon lover--pro-war activist, anti-communist, and a devout Catholic who died of alcoholism in a sleazy NY apt. Go figure. People rewrote their own history of him and lived vicariously through him. Who knew him??

Saturday, November 13, 2010

You Lose--You Lose Situation with Barney and Friends

Fannie and Freddie Mac were just granted permission to sue the Federal Government/The IRS over a 2.6 Billion dollar multi-year tax assessment. No matter what the result of said lawsuit, it is a wash for taxpayers.  Only the lawyers and bureaucrats win big, pulling in huge fees and Federal salaries with bonuses for a job well done. We are getting "well done" here! The FHA/HA head was "insulted" by a reporter's request for the reasoning behind letting an agency under total government receivership sue another government agency. He responded arrogantly that there would be no response to such questions, and has refused all phone calls since then. So what else is new? This sounds like Obama's response to Bobby Jindal when questioned about the wisdom of a drilling moratorium and the oil spill response. Barack The One responded--"Don't ask me questions that will embarrass me!" I am paraphrasing from Jindal's new book. "It's all about me and my BIG GOVERNMENT and no questions will be tolerated!'

Friday, November 12, 2010

American Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton

I just love this guy--A true American patriot if there ever was one. I'dnominate him for President today--or--how about the John Wayne/Red Skelton ticket?

Group Identity Politics Gone Mad

 Check this link out--Opposing Views: Fox News: Terrorists Attending Congressional Prayer Meetings  This "unconstitutional religious practice" has been a part of  the Capital Hill underworld for years. What other groups are represented at our Halls of Power? The Committee on Pedophillic-Trans-Beastialists? Everyone deserves a place at the table right?

New Zeal: Communists Work to Build Party in the South

Follow this link to read how the Communists are moving into Redneck Country. Sorry folks--I'm always going to be a rebel at heart. Good Luck Suckers--If 'dem gators and the snakes and the bugs don't get ya'  somethin' else might! Link here-- New Zeal: Communists Work to Build Party in the South

Thursday, November 11, 2010

HASSAN CHOP! - The Complete Version!

Tsk--Tsk--So offensive to Islamic sensibilities!

Bugs Bunny in India

Just to be politically incorrect in the spirit of the Annointed Ones' Islamic Triumph Tour__We offer a selection of Classic responses to terrorism. HINT__. Bugs is Bush--Daffy is Obama.

USS Freedom: Would Obama build a ship like this?

A ship built for men--Not a diverse, multicultural, floating brothel fleet.


We have three--possibly two years until the regime change in China and the military takes over control from the Communist party. Will we be ready for that?

Mules Vs. Horses

Let me spin a analogous tale of the Liberal horse and the Conervative mule. I have all respect for the horse, being a flighty and sometimes a very dangerous animal. I have been bitten twice. I have seen the resiliance and pure power of the Belgian working on a logging site--very impressive--just don't get too close to them--they have a very wild temperment. They can kill or cripple a man with impunity. He has no sense as compared with the "Conservative mule". I was raised around mules and have some first hand experience. A horse will gorge itself to death on water and oats after a hard workout. A mule will not. A horse will run under the whip until its heart explodes. A mule will balk at such treatment. He will, however, work all day long at a steady pace if coaxed somewhat and treated humanely. A mule would not walk onto a covered bridge in my hometown if he sensed it to be unsafe. Stories abound of the lives saved by concientious mules. The mule however will move deftly around and over damaged planks as he can sense them by feel and see his own feet. A horse will move right on and break his leg, or worse yet fall and kill his own rider. A horse will run back into a burning barn for the sense of safety he feels. A mule tends not to do so. The domesticated horse will starve in the wild if turned loose. The mule will survive on browse.

My point being---- We need more hardheaded Conservative mules to lead our nation into the harder times ahead in "survival mode". What we have now are a bunch of Elitest Liberal race horses running their willing peers to the finish line and to their own slaughter. Only the strong will survive.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Grandmother's Two-Room Schoolhouse

I had a hand in rebuilding this school on a historic site--Meadowcroft village in Avella, PA.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Great Dictator- Globe Scene

Let's just start with India--They have over half the population under 30 and in the next decade will have a population larger than China. NWO here we come!

Bernardine Dohrn-Says Tea Partiers Are Real Threat!

All these radicals--communists--global NWO advocates are gathering their forces and some are meeting in India---HMMMM---Wonder why?

Jed Brandt at Brecht Forum, on "The Van Jones Effect" Part 2

This guy is right where he wants to be--Where you can't see him administrating the real Obama globalist agenda.

Frances Fox Piven: "We Got Obama - that's not bad at all"

Note that what he has done is under the radar. Watch Glenn Beck tonight and tomorrow to see more of what Soros-The Center for American Progress and Van Jones have in store for us.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Next Page Has Opened

Congrats' to all of you old school Reaganites out there, like myself, who I feel have been at the forefront of this conservative resurgence. You have kept your faith and your values intact over the long dark years of Progressive ascendancy and Bush's socialism lite. We have kept two more generations--those who will listen--informed about the greatness of and the opportunities provided by a free and capitalistic system. These young folks are now moving toward the next phase of a revivalism in America.
Ms. Haley, the new Gov. of SC, said it well when she stated that some may say that history was made yesterday, however it is more accurate to say that a page has just been turned. Volumes must yet be composed in order to restore real freedom and Constitutional government. to Americans.
Here I must brag on my sleepy little steel town where some of us have sounded a call and many have awoken. The union/Demoncat machine has ridden us into the ground and broken our spirit, but some say no more. We have pulled off a clean sweep of these gangstas in what has been called "Little Chicago". These were the tightest races that I have ever seen. To those of you where those in your areas such as WV were not as fortunate or possibly as committed, take heart--there are many new Tea Partiers and just plain folks out here just ready to enter the fray and carry the load. Here is the short list of some of my local wins---
Portman-R. for Senate
Johnson-R. for House of Representatives 6th dist.
Kasich-R. for Governor
Sec. of State-R.
Atty. Gen.-R..
Supreme Court Justice-R.
State Auditor-R.
Next door-McKinley Rep. 6th Dist.-R.
And a Republican takeover in the State legislature as we see in so many states.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Eric Holder's Injustice Dept. Targets YOU!!

This is a Stage One Web Alert! "You are not being paranoid if they are really after you."--Iggy Pop.

This is the woeful tale of Ser Gorges Smythe of the "Unwashed Masses" and the gunslinger Holder. But first let's have some background for this sad story.

Myself, I have no fear whatsoever of Big Brother intrusion into my activities on the web or otherwise. I have reached a point in my life where I would welcome the challenge--AGAIN. I have a somewhat intimate knowledge of surveillance and counter-surveillance. I have been targeted before with both cyber and physical surveillance by certain authorities who (wrongly) thought that I was in possession of certain "sensitive' information. I will say no more on that subject other than to say that I almost broke out the tinfoil hats when the microwave monitoring devices turned my house into a slow cooker and signals were bouncing all over my home security system. The intruders were thwarted in their efforts at intimidation after some time and no small expense on my part. There are those in certain "positions" here locally who still carry a nasty taste in their mouth from that encounter and they now have targeted my home and property with demands for back taxes which I cannot pay. I might possibly lose my home soon. Believe me--If they want you, they will get you one way or another. I do not fear intrusion on my computer system however. A self designed--let us say--double blind security regimen protects my personal information from any intrusion. I know that there are ways to access anyone's IP address but even if you get through to mine you will not find any thing but what I disclose right here. I have nothing to hide, but I disclose nothing either.

What you must realize out there, if we do not employ extrordinary methods to protect your privacy we are all vunerable to Govt. intrusion on our privacy and our civil rights. Certain buzzwords we use all the time on conservative opinion sites will click in to the "MAN" and his search begins. If you access certain sites you are targeted. ANY .gov site access will automatically open up your IP address and puts your whole system at risk! Any Twitter posting, and probably Facebook along with other social networking sites is now recorded in the Library of Congress database. Access to all E-Mails is available to authorities now without warrants. Many of these changes have been made by executive order of The Great Obama himself or by DHS and Justice "for your own protection.

But this is the story of one of my recent followers-- may enter this site at your own risk as his website has been targeted by The Justice Department. I share no information here that he has not disclosed openly already, so I am sure he will not mind me warning all conservatives of possible Leftist attacks. I have already seen what damage can be done by determined spammers and hackers on some sites.

This gentleman does not deserve such treatment however. I have recently visited his site--It could be down now--I am not sure. Ser Smythe is a well spoken man and accomplished writer. He is a historian of note in my book--especially the oral history of our nation. I believe he is a skilled woodsman/husbandsman, woodcrafter, and woodcarver. He was raised near my neck of the woods where my great-great grandparents grew up as well. His crime against our society; as I see it; living too far off the grid. This gentle-man has brought a vision of our past into the light and along with it his view of America from his own unique perspective. His commentary on society is, to me, quite poignent, yet at the same time apolitical. My fiery rhetoric and satire would seem more hurtful to this "Regime" than his life tales. Even though I vet my stories and threaten harm to no one, I am sure to be watched regularly by Media Matters or some equivalent Moonbats eyeball site. From there your or my comments will be directed to the "proper authorities" and "appropriate action taken." Yea' Right! In this modern Leftist world, if you are profiled as a militia member, anti-government type--radical Christian pro-lifer (As Big Sis's own memo states) you are considered an enemy of the state.
I feel all that I can do at this point is to offer moral support and to warn the rest of you that the "Greenshirts" may be at your door next.You remember what happens to those who don't speak out when they come for the other guy don't you! I will be in touch with Ser Smythe soon in a hopefully secure mode.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sarah Palin Surprises Tea Party Express Tour in Wheeling W. Virginia by ...

I met Sarah this weekend! I had to cross the "Crick" (the Ohio River) to see her but it was totally worth it. My kinda' woman! Hey Carl Rove--Leave this gal alone! If she wants to make money and have fun, more power to her! She has more "gravitas" than you will ever have you old beltway hack.


Well, the much ballyhooed election time has come folks. Good fortune to all those "Right" minded people out there and confusion to our enemies!

See my next blog post to see how I got my last minute inspiration.

I would like to take a second though to thank some of my extremely intelligent and hard working followers for inspiring me throughout a very difficult year for me. Thanks to Woodsterman and Amusing Bunni for livening up my spirit--to Spidey; my fellow loose cannon--to "L", The Candle, Tristin Meecham, Opus, Conservative Perspective, and especially to Fuzzy Slippers and Rotti for setting the bar so high for any of us who follow them and for keeping me grounded and slicing through the demagoguery out there on both sides. My life is a fuller one just knowing there are good people like y'all still out there. Sorry for leaving out so many--However time is limited.

I offer all respect to my "esteemed collegue"--Did I really say that?--from the Conservative Perspective. He has commented, however that he is willin' to wait for two years ,when we send the Commies really packing, before major investigations or positive results begin to arise from this election. When I see the arrogance and affrontery demonstrated by the left today, with no respect for the law or basic ethics and morals I am appalled. I will see to it during the coming year, if I can, that my Rep. Boehner and any with a voice to be heard go after these anti- American scum and their foreign interests with tooth and claw. They are still moving on us and I say we need more Patton and less patten leather in Congress. Amputations all around for the tyrants and turncoats! I guess I'm still in halloween mode. LOL McCarthy was right--Bring back HUAC!

The Bash America Tour--2010

"Americans Behaving Badly" You have been at it again haven't you? Speaking out, looking for the truth instead of reading the Huffington post and watching MSNBC; and voting for those mean conservatives! Well you are going to get yours my "little pretty". You can't hide from ME!
As we see the plainly orchestrated and half phony bomb threats occur two days before an election, the bad news releases come out in an oddly coincidental fashion. Well, I don't believe in coincidences. "Never let a good crisis go to waste" and as Saul Alinski taught us--"When you are under attack you must move even faster and harder on the counterattack!" Big Sis Nepolitano has pulled the (Executive controlled) NSA in under her wing to investigate civilians for cyber crimes. No warrants, no oversights, this is simply suppression of your free speech on the Web under Obama's constant watchful eye.
Obama and the Chicago Gang have begun to use the resources of the Pentagon to form dossiers on Presidential candidates and other opponents along with their supporters.
Charlie Rangel has introduced the blueprint for a bill which will give Barack the Great his domestic military response force that he wants so badly to kill Tea Party dissent and stir up violence--not suppress it.
The left has hacked into the computer system of one of Barack's main targets--Americans for Prosperity.
The TIDES Foundation,Soros, and the Huffington-Puffington Post/Investigative Wing are suing Supreme Court Justice Roberts over his decision permitting a corporate voice to be heard on the political scene---ONLY UNION THOUGHT AND MONEY ALLOWED HERE!
Now The Despot in Chief is taking AF One and Two, 40 aircraft, his helicopter fleet, his limos, his teleprompter, and a massive staff using 800 rooms in India and on an overseas tour to scold you bad Americans.
What we are seeing here is the typical angry man/childish response of the street agitator Obama. His response to any of his own shortcomings or failures is denial and then a lashing out against presumed enemies. His whole psyche revolves around reactionary tactics.
While overseas Obama will be conducting a massive "outreach" program to the Islamic world. And all the while denying his Christian faith and his American roots. He is morphing into the "Global President" again. He feels safe and secure in this role. Globalist/Communist supporters at home and abroad will rally to his side at his time of tribulation here at home.
This is a time of extreme danger for freedom fighters here in our Nation. Many forces are being brought to bear on us that we may be slow to respond to. But be alert. The leftist usually steps in his own s--- sooner or later.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Have A Spooky Election Day All!

As you may know, union activity has been defrauding Americans out of Billions for many years. What you may want to know about is the extent to which unions--especially the Communist SEIU and government employees unions such as AFGE will go to corrupt your vote.

One example I discovered is from 1997, when an honest Democrat/////WHAT?? Yes there have to be some out there somewhere. Well this honest union guy was at his union hall manning the doors one weekend when a delivery man showed up--with voting machines. This guy was not at a polling center but at a union hall. He said there must be a mistake and the delivery man just winked and said "No the machines have all been "fixed">nod> nod> wink> wink.

Well the same is being done right now in Nevada by the SEIU whose computer techs are in charge of the machines. We are told by election officials that it is only a glitch. Well, I have it from reliable sources that the same glitch has showed up here in Cinncinnatti and elsewhere around the nation. Funny ain't it that this glitch always favors Demoncats?

The White House political machine has been gutted recently as has the economic and National Security staff. Word has it that Valerie Jarrett, Axelrod, and Deadfish Emanuel are running scared and fear stalks the Halls of Power. That's right, Barack The Mighty fears the upcoming GOP tsunami and the resulting house investigations which will expose the widespread fraud and corruption in the 2008 elections. Those "Mean Republicans" will be calling for criminal charges and Possibly----IMPEACHMENT--OH NO! And what are the Demoncat leaders doing now??--HMMM?? And what will they do in the wake of the ongoing ethics violation trials already scheduled for Rangel and others?? HMMM??? Why they will throw poor Obama right under his own bus and declare no knowledge of the rampant Chicago corruption gone Washington style.

That's what will happen if we see some guts out of the upcoming Conservative leadership instead of the Rhinoplastic aisle crossing Obama sycophants ready to do their own bowing and kowtowing.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

An Open Letter To The "Social Justice" Christians

Is it Justice when we are denied the right to pledge allegiance to our own flag? Is it justice when Universal Redemtion is declared as part of a "national religion" proposed unconstitutionally by Obama-=Rev. Wright and others? Is it Justice to force our children to study Islam in public schools and deny them Christin prayer?

Big Government Sucks!

This weekend we have another moonbat rally on the Washington Mall. John Stewart wants to bring sanity back to government---PLEEEEZE. All these mockery rallys are doing is giving more legitimacy to Glenn Beck's message on 8/28. As a centerpoint of said "restoring sanity" rally is a march by government workers. The name?---"The Government Doesn't Suck March". On a newly established website "Loop" I think it is called---they want you to name 1000 examples of why government doesn't suck. DUH--- EVERYTHING government touches turns to sucking soon afterward. The defense of our Republic from foreign invasion has been the only success I can name, and they are on the way to sucking that up too with open borders and unilateral disarmament.
However, at this point, I must offer one absolutely insane sucking example of Big Brother's intrusion into our lives.
In New York City there is a proposal on the ballot this week--- The result of which will be the elimination of gun ownership rights for possibly millions. If passed, you will not be allowed to have a weapon's permit for any gun--including a shotgun--if you have a littering fine, too many parking tickets, or unpaid bills of any variety. There are so many more truly sucky govt. rules and regulations that they fill volumes--reams of paperwork--and miles of files. These government "union" workers must justify their existence by adding to this burden on Americans, just so they can shuffle more paperwork to dig a few of us out of the mess. Problem is, the privileged few pass through while the rest of us lose ground and remain buried in the morass. Constitutional, personal, and property rights are lost forever at every turn.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Marxism in America" by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin

See how the infrastructure is already in place; written into the health bill; for Obama's tyrannical rule right now! Forced recruitment into an "emergency" response force will be required. Armed and ready for any civil insurection.

Fraud, Deceit, Intimidation, And Coersion

Obama tells Republicans (Let's face it, he means white Christians) to get to the back of the bus in his recent rant. I guess this means at the voting booth as well. See the Drudge Report headline today for the Vegas story where Harry Reid's name was preselected on some ballots.
I heard a story last week of New Black Panthers stealing 20,000 ballots from a Vegas polling center. Philadelphia Republican turnout is lower than expected in inner city precincts as New Black Panthers walk the streets constantly shouting epithets at white voters in ganstsa infested neighborhoods.
counted on time as proscribed by law--but Felons in prison have had their votes counted already. Leftist controlled states around the nation are considering allowing and counting Illegal Alien votes!. I believe San Fransicko does already as do some other "sanctuary cities."
The entertainers union AFSCME has informed it's members that they can vote on the Pennsylvania absentee ballots; then they can vote in the general election as well! They assure us that the absentee ballots will be destroyed by the (Democrat RUN) polling stations.
The NY Times, of all places has warned of Democrat efforts nation wide to run fake Tea Party candidates in order to pull Republican votes away from legitimite candidates. I must warn all voters ao efforts by "Manchurian Candidate Rhino's" to undermine Conservative candidates and voting. I personally believe that the NRA has been infiltrated by Progressive, just as has the GOP "Elite". For example--here in Ohio-- Dem. gubernatorial candidate Strickland gets a 90% NRA rating and his Atty. Gen. hack cohort Cordray gets 100%. While there may be some history of the Rep. candidates not standing as firm as they should behind the Second Amendment; I feel that this is being used as a straw man to coerce the hard right into voting the Pelosi' pups back into power. The Governors races and State houses will be crucial in determining the redistricting process over the next two years as well. The Great Barack comes back to my great state again this week. (For the twelfth time) He knows the importance of the rust belt up and down the Ohio river, and all force ;legal and illegal; is being brought to bear on certain crucial races. EYES OPEN PEOPLE! And don't believe everything you see on the surface. Remember--Know your enemy!--He knows you!
I agree with Mark Levin---Andrew Jackson style tactics will be needed soon if we are really to save our Republic. He put a check on the uncontrolled judicial system--reduced the number of federal judges and eliminated some courts. We need to start with the Ninth Circus as an example to the rest of these leftist kangaroo courts. Even Newt Gingrich agrees. Audit the Federal Reserve at the least--then consider it's elimination! Jack Kennedy may have died for such heresy--check it out. FIRE ALL CZARS! Then we can start in on the task of eliminating the Dept. of Education, Energy, Agriculture and Commerce. The states have their own EPA systems as well. Federal funding for some necessary services should be diverted to the states. REAL CHANGE is needed! The monstrous inbred bureaucracy that really rules us in the final say needs to be dismantled and defunded. these departments and many others have served no useful purpose for decades; and in many cases have done irreparable harm to our nation.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Empire And The Evil Soros Strike Back

In the latest version of this cult classic we meet a whole new cast.
Introducing Juan Williams as the ill fated Lando Calressian. His fate is about to be sealed by the Evil Soros; new controller of the NPR Deathstar channel. They attempt to silence him by encasing him in Carbomite. His offense to the Empire--speaking out against the Muslim clone army and their spaced out supporters from the Left Wing nebula.

Starring Bill O' Riley as the wise and venerable Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Presenting Ann Coulter as the beautiful Princess Leah.
Sean Hannity as Luke Skywalker and dedicated friend of Calressian.
As the rebel force-- The Tea Party with the entire cast of the FOX News Network.
Barack (Baby Doc) Obama as the planted thug dictator with a secret past--Darth Vader.
Glenn Beck as Yoda with his radio cast in pivotal supporting role.
And Emperor George Soros as himself.

This will prove to be the last stand of the freedom loving inhabitants of the Tea Bag system. Their long and storied revolutionary past; based on a proven and lawful form of government; now threatened by a tyrannical Universal Empire.
Stay tuned for the next dramatic episode where the old droid R2D-Gingrich attacks the NPR Deathstar along with the newly formed Young Guns of Congress!

Here we see Juan (Calressian) before defecting from the dark side.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Obama,s True Faith

The jury has been out on the true belief structure of our Dear Leader. I believe he has given us enough evidence to make a decision at last. Within the framework of secular humanism which is pronunced by so many on the left, you may declare godhood in many fashions. Obummer has now misquoted the Declaration of Independance twice--purposely leaving GOD out of the empowerment equation. Propagandist Gibbs tells us that Barack believes in the Declaration--THAT'S IT!-- No reference to a higher power. Obama sees himself as the True Messiah--our savior and bringer of deliverance. I suggest that you visit the site--Is Obama The Messiah-- you will see how many leftists view HIM.

The Vermin Has Morphed

Here we see the dreaded Jacassian Demonmouse. He is believed to have infiltrated across our southern border as have so many diseases and harmful species. Normally docile and cowardly by nature, this mega morph has been genetically engineered to respond violently to any intrusion on it's stolen territory. It seems to have taken up residence in the DC area and is leaving a huge heap of crap and rubbish wherever it abides. Beware of it's backbiting tendencies. This hybrid shows no morality or any loyalty to it's pack, family, or followers. Seemingly cannibalistic, he will eat his own without any qualms. This creature will creep into any home, hospital, or school in order to spread it's filth. One of it's weaknesses is a deathly fear of FOXes. Show him some real opposition and he will run every time!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Milton Friedman - Socialism vs. Capitalism

It always serves us well to remamber where we come from in order to set our future course. This is one of the best arguments for the enduring entrepeneaurism of Americans and the real success of capitalism in raising up the middle class worldwide. Friedman also describes the failure of Communist despots and big government in general. 'Nuff said!

Here Are Your New Heros Kids

Coming soon to your neighborhood The Great Silver One--Muslim superhero defends the Great Faith from the rampaging King Ferdinand. (Never mind that Ferdinand fought for years to expel the murderous Islamic hoards who made the streets of Cordoba "Run With Blood!")

Ray Stevens - Come to the USA

We seem to be entering a stage in this election cycle where the left is grabbing onto any straw and bringing out any page of it's group identity playbook. FREE PONIES FOR EVERYONE! We have Bloomenthal of Maryland calling on the "New Americans" for support. You have Brown in California promising free education for all including the illegal La Raza nation. Finally you have Bill Clinton promising everything in the storefront and building an Obama thug force at the same time. Just serve in a "Community Service" capacity and you get a free education and a government check for life. Appause..... Applause...from the collegiate moonbats and the hispanics. Manna from heaven from the left again. Praise Obama--Praise the Clintons --Anything is possible if we believe in the Hope and the Change..........];,];.]GAGGGGG