Thursday, November 19, 2009

Poor Baby!

While in the friendly territory of Communist China, Obama deigned to submit to a FOX News interview with Major Garrett. When asked about the defecit BO responded that (HIS) defecit spending could cause others to lose faith in our economy and result in a Double Dip recession(SAID Depression). When asked about the JOBS summit planned for Dec. 3rd he responded that it would not be directed at jobs creation, but more focused at making buisness focus on more hiring. He says that he thinks every minute of every day trying to find us jobs. This sounds like the usual carrot and stick approach of the Chicago Thug Whitehouse. When asked about his plummeting poll numbers Bo responded that if things continue this way with his popularity, he may not even run again in 2012.

Translation by the noted Liberal spin linguist--C.U. Wining:: It's all your fault and that of your failed capitalist system that you are out of work so suffer, or get your failed businesses to hire you if you can. I like these China Boys but they are dissing me just like you are. Who do they think they are telling me how to take control of My Country. This is my game and I'll play it like I want to. I never lose. They don't let me lose. If you don't play my way I'm gonna tell Mama Pelosi and Daddy Soros on you. You all will be sorry. You are all racists and I'll tell. "Sob;;Sob,hic." I'll just leave you all worse than when I found you. I'll take my toys, my basketball and go home! "sob, sob" I'll get you! I'll get my Bros. and my peeps in ACORN and the SEIU after you. You'll be sorry!

"Oh, guys give him his way. He wants his doll back. Let him play "his own games." He can't hurt anything that much."


  1. He's already downplaying the December jobs summit? Typical.

  2. Wouldn't it have been nice to have a normal, patriotic, strong president with American values and perspectives? Instead we got a nutcase that is shaking the baby so hard he may kill it.

  3. Welcome Malcontent. One more unchickafied man out there left I see. Sorry gals, no offense, but we need more warriors like him out there! Hey Concord; If I didn't kill it, skin it and butcher it or grow it myself, I won't eat it.Lol-usually.

  4. Jobs are the last thing this CRISIS manipulator wants. Read a good article in the American Thinker today concerning this "malevolent admin. and the Cloward-Piven strategy.


Give me your input...Common sense always welcome...Barking Moonbats will be dealt with harshly.