Friday, May 21, 2010

Financial Deformity And Decline

The time has come to decide for yourselves how much faith you really have in the US markets and the viability of our dollar on the world markets. Congressman Weiner is attacking Glenn Beck and Gold Line. Obummer is ready to nationalize the remaining banks not already under executive control. A September or October suprise is in store and it will probably involve the fall of the EURO (Soros designed). Check the Soros Watch--linked on this site. Look who is doing the telling and who is listening in this pic. And this Senatorial hack has the temerity to question the ethics of Goldman Sachs or any financial institution. Of course Goldman, Fannie and Freddie, as well as Soros and the 6 or 7 global money traders and hedge funds will not be affected by the new rules. Only small buisness and regular middle class Americans will be on the hook again as Cap and Tax passes and the Big Boys pull in TRILLIONS to redistribute to their cronies and despots world wide. This last sudden fall of Wall St. was only a test. It was orchestrated out of the Chicago Commodities market at the behest of one middle eastern billionare hedge fund operator. Soon others fell in line and panic ensued. I hope my friends and followers have diversified their investments.and own only real property and convertable assets. I was one of the first to make this call three--four years ago when I saw people investing wildly in Fannie and freddie. I saw the outcome long ago. These men have no souls and they have bought and paid for your representatives and the Presidency itself. Civil strife and worldwide revolt is their goal and it is on our own horizon. Maybe sooner than we expect.


  1. There's a bright side to this. With rampant inflation we can all be millionaires over night. We can all carry a pimp roll of million dollar bills with barack hussein obama's ugly mug on the face of the banknote.

  2. If Soros is anywhere near it ........ The words were omitted due to not wanting to screw up your great blog.

  3. I wonder how this civil strife thing will manifest itself out here in the countryside. Urbanites will start eating each other, but we'll see how the country folk fare.

  4. I was raised country, built log cabins, raised my own beef cattle, my own vegetables and fruit trees--hunter--fisherman and some trapping. I can can my own produce and always have a stock on hand in my bunker. Locked and loaded and ready for bear clinging to our guns and my bibles, WE WILL SURVIVE! __--the rest of the urban moonbat utopians.


Give me your input...Common sense always welcome...Barking Moonbats will be dealt with harshly.