Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why I Hate Bureaucrats!

Can't Obummer find enough US citizens to install in positions of unvetted aristocratic power. I guess not, as he has appointed this British Socialist / Communist / Statist--Dr. Allison Oldale--seen below--- to be the head of our own "Ministry of Competition" at the FTC. This means of course that she will determine the outcomes of "free market economics" (picking winners and losers) according to The Regime Agenda.

As BO himself has dictated through the NLRB---

"SEIU lawyers shall be in charge of all NLRB rulings."
"Unions shall be installed as soon as a vote can be initiated, without oversight or any time for businesses to respond to union demands." This is despite the fact that Congress denied passage of a Card Check law.
Yesterday HE totally sidestepped a question concerning the NLRB ruling and it's job killing ramifications. As HE stated in his condescending and divisive press conference---
"I will not comment on the Boeing decision as a judge will decide the outcome of this case."
When asked about HIS unconstitutional dictates and the legality of the Right to Marriage act HE said that HE would not put on HIS professor of constitutional law robes. The fact is HE was never a "Law Professor"! Although he played one in class and on TV.

                                                      Hat tip to A Retired Marine

Here is the lowdown on the latest Socialist "Mall Guard" to infect the ranks of our government and it's autocratic rule. This one flew clean under the Leftist media radar.
This is well worth the read----

Former Chief Economist of the United Kingdom's Competition Commission (UKCC), Dr. Alison Oldale, has been appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Antitrust in the Bureau of Economics at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Go ahead and read that again. I'll wait.
That's right. A British government agent has been placed in a senior management position where she'll have a significant impact on mergers, acquisitions, and the inner workings of the FTC. That an unelected foreign antitrust regulator will play a key role in restricting the property rights and economic freedoms of Americans is serious cause for concern.
Traitors In Our Midst
Did we lose a war? Or have we just run out of pro-antitrust economists in the USA? ... there is absolutely no justification for a US government agency to hire an employee of a foreign government for a position of substantive authority over US citizens and businesses. The Bureau of Economics is the FTC's clearinghouse for reviews of mergers and other interventionist policies. Most of the Bureau's work is carefully shielded from public view. So on top of this institutional secrecy we now have a senior official whose loyalties are with a foreign government — one whose interests are not compatible with the alleged principles underlying the American constitutional system.
Dr. Oldale's appointment is public confirmation that the FTC commissioners, led by Jon Leibowitz, are traitors. They have no regard for the lives and liberties of the American people; their only interest is at enriching themselves — and their foreign allies — at our expense.
Foreign National About to Run a Key Bureau of a Top U.S. Regulatory Agency
The U.K. Competition Commission knows her role over here will be a long-tern plus for the U.K. In a statement they wrote:
Whilst we will be sorry to lose her services for a while, this secondment will bring longer-term benefits for us and further strengthen our relationship with the FTC.
How can she be considered anything less than a spy? What the hell is the FTC thinking? Certainly not about the interests of America. There is a major question as to whether the FTC serves any useful function in the first place, but to bring a foreign national into the decision making process at the top levels of an agency that may in the future deal with the opposing interests of the foreign national's home country is just bizarre.
Notice the UKCC's statement declares that she's on "secondment." This means that Dr. Alison Oldale is simply "on loan" to the FTC, and will return to work at the UKCC upon completion of her FTC assignment.
Things just keep getting stranger by the day ... don't they?
You would think that the appointment of a foreign national - an agent of a foreign government - to a high-level regulatory position in our federal government would be big news, calling into question their commitment to United States sovereignty. But you'd be sadly mistaken. So far barely a whisper has been heard from the mainstream press.
What will Dr. Alison Oldale be up to at the FTC?
FTC Names British Government Agent to Senior Position
At the Bureau of Economics, Dr. Oldale will oversee approximately 45 economists and support staff working in two groups to review potential antitrust cases. While the FTC's Bureau of Competition – one of the agency's two enforcement arms – makes the final decisions on what cases to prosecute, the Bureau of Economic plays a critical policymaking role, according to FTC documents:
Staff economists work closely with the attorney staff in designing investigations, formulating candidate economic theories, and searching for confirming or denying evidence in documents, from customers, or industry sources. BE [Bureau of Economics] takes the lead role in data gathering and econometric analysis regarding various issues connected with a case. For antitrust cases, such analysis might relate to demand estimation or price comparisons across markets with differing structures. … Interaction between BE and the parties’ economists is now more common that it once was during investigations, due, in part, to the increased use of econometric work by the enforcement agencies and outside parties in merger investigations.
In the course of an FTC antitrust investigation – which can last for months if not years – Bureau of Economics staff has access to private business documents obtained from investigation targets. The FTC is not subject to the Fourth Amendment's probable cause and judicial oversight requirements, and antitrust investigations often devolve into fishing expeditions designed to uncover information that can be used (or misused) into forcing companies to take certain actions desired by Commission officials.
As deputy director, Dr. Oldale will be in a position where she can directly influence the decision-making of American companies and, more importantly, provide cover for the predetermined actions of Bureau of Competition officials who wish to oppose a particular merger or business practice for political reasons. This is a sensitive position, and it is highly questionable for the FTC to appoint an agent of a foreign government to it, especially since there is no shortage of similarly credentialed economists in the US who could fill the role.
Advancing the unelected technocracy.
These types of inter-bureaucratic relationships only widen the chasm between the public and the government, because they foster the creation of networks that transcend any attempt at constitutional limits. The FTC understands this. That explains not only Dr. Oldale's appointment, but the Commission's creation and leadership of the International Competition Network, a UN-type organization composed of unelected antitrust regulators from around the world. The ICN is yet another forum where the FTC can meet with its foreign counterparts away from prying eyes – their most recent meeting was in the Netherlands – and coordinate policies that directly inhibit the rights and liberties of American citizens.
That said, this is not first and foremost a "one world order" scheme for its own sake. The international antitrust community is ultimately a cartel designed to advance the private economic interests of its participants. Dr. Oldale is a perfect example; a person who has moved between government and private "consulting," where her value increases as she becomes more and more connected to the key antitrust decision-makers around the world.
Since the mainstream media hasn't bothered investigating Dr. Alison Oldale's appointment to the FTC, we don't have a lot of information to go on, so we're left with many unanswered questions.
Does this appointment represent the beginning of the entrenchment of globalist bureaucrats in our government, the inevitable consequence of our century old progressive regime? Is this simply cronyism among the bureaucratic elite? Or as some have speculated, could the appointment of Dr. Alison Oldale be directly related to the antitrust war the FTC is preparing to declare on Google?
Whatever the reason, a foreign government agent being appointed to a high-level, unelected regulatory position at the FTC, spells nothing but trouble for the American people.


Below you will see more of my disdain for Statism and it's minions in two great videos-----


Give me your input...Common sense always welcome...Barking Moonbats will be dealt with harshly.