Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Affirmative Action Atlanta Schools

Here we see Jennifer Grandholm declaring the victory of "No Child Left Behind" in Michigan.
Yeah right; an over 60% dropout rate in Detroit is a true Liberal success rate!
 Here is more evidence of the "Progressive" schools' record in America. 

"Congratulations to Atlanta public school educrats. They may have stumbled onto the holy grail of leftist politics: a means to equalize not opportunity, but achievement. The discovery was made while cheating on students' behalf so as to keep the federal gravy train rolling:
Fifty-six schools were investigated, and cheating was found in 44, or nearly 80 percent, as CBS News correspondent Mark Strassmann reports.
It's a scathing report: A decade of systemic cheating in Atlanta's school system by the adults. Dozens of educators erased wrong student answers on state standardized tests, and inserted the right ones.
In all, investigators accused 38 principals of cheating and said 82 of the 178 educators they identified as part of the scandal confessed.
At least one whistleblower has been fired for speaking up about the systemic cheating.
Why do even the principals cheat? Because federal funding is linked to performance. No Child Left Behind dictates that 100% of students be proficient in reading and math by 2014, a goal that sounds nice but in practice is absurd.
Next, why don't politicians end racial disparities by decreeing that all ethnic groups have the same average performance? Adjusting tests by adding right answers for some students and wrong answers for others ought to make it a breeze.
Education is far too important to leave in the hands of government."

From Moonbattery

"Today it was reported that a massive cheating scandal among Atlanta teachers was uncovered:
At least 178 teachers and principals at nearly four dozen schools in Atlanta have been implicated in what is likely the largest cheating scandal in U.S. history to date.

The report found that teachers, principals and administrators were both helping students on the state's standardized test, the Criterion-Reference Competency Test, and correcting incorrect answers after students had turned the tests in. Eighty-two educators confessed to the allegations detailed in the report from the Georgia Bureau of Investigations.

Calling it a "dark day" for Atlanta Public Schools, Mayor Kasim Reed said the yearlong investigation "confirms our worst fears ... There is no doubt that systemic cheating occurred on a widespread basis in the school system. Further, there is no question that a complete failure of leadership in the Atlanta Public School system hurt thousands of children who were promoted to the next grade without meeting basic academic standards."
So who's at fault here? Note this bit at the end of the Time article on the scandal:
Increasing incidents of teachers cheating has led some to question whether the pressure to score well on the standardized tests required under No Child Left Behind are tempting teachers to cheat as, under the federal law, teachers can face cuts to their salary or even potentially lose their jobs if test scores do not meet certain standards.
Yes, the real problem is not teachers who fail to teach -- but "some question" whether laws designed to enforce basic educational standards are compelling teachers to act in a grossly unethical fashion."

From The Weekly Standard

As was stated before--Get government out of our schools. Defund the Department of Education!


  1. Unions, federal meddling, tenure, and poorly educated teachers have led us down this path. Welcome to the liberal world.

  2. Must we all follow the California model Odie? Just kidding. Has your county joined the others who want to cecede from the rest of the state?


Give me your input...Common sense always welcome...Barking Moonbats will be dealt with harshly.