Friday, August 12, 2011

America's Best

What I have gathered for you here today folks is a quick rundown of some of the "Best and Brightest" that America has to offer, past and present, along with just a few of their achievements so far...
Boy are we in trouble!

We should have seen this coming...

All around the world despots and Leftist tyrants are coming up with technological developments to impress their useful idiots.

Another "unprecedented" Islamic Invention

The USS Hussein

New medical breakthroughs happen every day due to Obama's stimulis to the medical field and academic research.

New high tech campaign paid for...
and the transportation dilemma has been solved...

Biden is on the case

The innovative quality of the criminal mind never ceases to amaze!

Operation Facetious and Spurious

The return of the Fairness Doctrine..high tech domestic spying...Hey Lefties...come on!

The "Human Comedy" is always showing at Playhouse Washington.

Einstein told us that, "The definition of insanity is to keep trying what didn't work the first time".

The players never get any prettier however, as they get fatter on your dime.

Just when we think we have turned the corner on some of this Moonbattery...we find that one of these geniuses has come out with a new book or movie to indoctrinate a whole new generation...


You try to vote these bums out and they just won't go away!

The worst thing about all this is---Ignorance and corruption has always crossed all party lines and will continue to do so...



Give me your input...Common sense always welcome...Barking Moonbats will be dealt with harshly.