I know...I know...but these Arkansas "Hogs" are far more presentable than the wild Texas variety!
ABC News--What would America be like under a Rick Perry presidency? Well, if Rick Perry's Texas is any indication, the country could look forward to 85 mph speed limits, hog hunting from helicopters and a security check "fast-lane" for concealed handgun carriers.
Beginning September 1, for about $500 an hour helicopter hunters can fly over Texas ranchland, rifle in hand and shoot as many hogs as pass through their scopes. While hunting from helicopters was previously outlawed, the "pork chopper" law makes it easier and more cost effective for land owners to fight Texas' wild hog over-population problem from the air where low-flying, fast-moving helicopters can keep up with the 400-pound animals, which can run as fast as 35 miles per hour, over terrain that is often inaccessible by vehicles.
There are 520 miles of Texas highway that have a posted speed of 80 mph, the Austin-American Statesman reports. Utah is the only other state with speed limits as high as 80 mph.
The Pole Tax
So far the Sexually Oriented Business Fee Act has generated about $15 million, but the state cannot access the money because the Texas Entertainment Association, which represents most of Texas' strip clubs, sued the state for infringing on clubs' free-speech rights. The Texas Supreme Court ruled unanimously last week to uphold the law, which state lawmakers estimate will bring in about $44 million once it is fully functional.
There are 520 miles of Texas highway that have a posted speed of 80 mph, the Austin-American Statesman reports. Utah is the only other state with speed limits as high as 80 mph.
"Noodling" Legalized |
For Texans who are fed up with fishing poles, the Legislature has heeded their catfish catches woes. Starting Thursday fisherman will be allowed to "noodle" or wade into the muddy waters of Texas lakes and rivers and pull out catfish with their bare hands.
"No one knows why it was illegal," the bill's author Rep. Gary Elkins, R-Houston, told Texas Monthly.
Voter ID |
When Texans go to the polls to vote for their governor (or maybe another presidential candidate) in November 2012, they will now have to bring along a government-issued photo ID.
Handgun 'Fast Lane |
Texans can not only carry handguns into the state Capitol building, but they can skip the security lines as well. After the state Capitol installed metal detectors in May 2010, a "fast lane" was created for concealed handgun license holders so they would not have to remove, or un-conceal, their weapons in order to enter the state house.
The Texas governor is known to pack a .380 Ruger pistol, a fact that became well-known here after Perry shot and killed a coyote while jogging with his dog in February 2010. Perry claimed the coyote was threatening his Labrador retriever.
I make no decisions yet as to a final pick for the Republican nominee but this guy looks better every day!
And let's not forget...
H/T to Liberal Guy
I'm beginning to think Texas knows better than any other state.
ReplyDeleteBetter than mine to be sure...Here comes a post about the land grab in yours...
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you are elligible for PLENTY of federal aide Malik---Go get in line with the rest of the Obama zombies.