In a speech at the Heritage Foundation, Ryan said Obama’s method of rallying public support for his $447 billion jobs package was “sowing social unrest and class resentment” and could be “just as damaging as his misguided policies.”
“Instead of working together where we agree, the president has opted for divisive rhetoric and the broken politics of the past,” Ryan said.
“He is going from town to town, impugning the motives of Republicans, setting up straw men and scapegoats, and engaging in intellectually lazy arguments, as he tries to build support for punitive tax hikes on job creators.”
Ryan accused Obama of using “class-based rhetoric” in his re-election campaign. Obama’s tactics, he said, make “America weaker, not stronger.”...See Paul Ryan's presentation here
Read more: Politico, via The Blaze
Another French Revolution Anyone?
Now for the MOONBAT Ed Schultz opposing view...
“ Schultz also suggested that Republicans might ”want violence to take place in our society.”
To add fuel to the conflagration, former Florida congressman Alan Grayson chimed in with his thoughts, calling Ryan and Republicans “the real killers,” like… O.J. Simpson.
Newsbusters provides the clip:
Dale nailed that one of Moochelle...Angry Libs Gone MADD. Zombies attack!