Friday, November 18, 2011

SEIU and Obama the Occupier

SEIU heads for the Brooklyn Bridge...and Obama's minister offers sanctuary to OWS

UPDATE...SEIU president Mary Kay Henry has been arrested at the bridge...

The Occupiers, despite small crowds at moments, are claiming that Thursday’s “Day of Action” protest was a major success. While protesters failed to shut down the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the New York City transit system, they were successful at blocking traffic and changing the city’s dynamics, as they converged in New York’s busy streets.

Throughout the day, there were more than 200 arrests, complete with sometimes violent clashes between police and Occupiers. As a result, five protesters were charged with felony assault and seven officers and 10 protesters sustained injuries.

Among those notable individuals taken into custody was Mary Kay Henry, the president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Also arrested was city councilman Jumaane D. Williams and George Fresham, president of 1199/S.E.I.U., United Healthcare Workers East. Henry and company were blocking a roadway that leads to the Brooklyn Bridge when authorities detained them...More at The Blaze

Now with musical accompaniment!

Check out this link...Mapping OWS violence

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