Saturday, February 18, 2012

Here From The Trenches In Battleground Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine switched his endorsement from Mitt Romney to Rick Santorum on Friday in a defection he said was driven by his belief the former Pennsylvania senator can win the Republican presidential race.

DeWine, a former senator who led John McCain’s Ohio presidential campaign in 2008, made the announcement in the company of Santorum at the Statehouse. He said he once felt Santorum could not overcome Romney’s financial advantage but has decided he was wrong...Read More

Here is a Live Stream of Rick Santorum's speech in Columbus, OH.
MASON — Republican Rick Santorum wasted little time Friday evening to blast President Barack Obama’s plans for America, while making only a passing reference to primary opponent Mitt Romney. Making a patriotic speech to several hundred members of the Warren County Republican Party, the former Pennsylvania senator said there are stark choices in the general election.

“In 2008, people believed they needed a leader they could believe in,” he said. “What America wants is a leader that believes in them.”

He criticized Romney, referring to him as a “certain governor not for private-sector health care,” while criticizing the national health care plan pushed by Obama...Read More

“It’s not just about jobs,” Santorum said in his 30-minute speech. “What’s at stake is the soul of America. Where does Ohio stand? Where do they stand for families and small business? For churches and community organizations? Are they for local government and community control, or are they going to stand with Washington? That’s the decision for Ohio.”

Primary election day is approaching quickly now here in flyover country and the time has come for your Scottcarp Dream commentator in chief to throw his hat in the ring for better or worse.

I have always wanted to vote my convictions and principles, not necessarily what my political allies feel is the only way to go. What some consider to be common sense realities may prove to be the path we must follow yet once again. I such an eventuality, I will support the nearest can of tuna with an "R" stamped on it even if it tastes like shit as it is forced down my throat.  

I have decided that I must go against the grain at this point (as tends to be my way more often than not). I was raised in western PA and I know Rick Santorum's history better than most. I see a man who also lives by his convictions and his principles. A true heart and faith in God may not win the day against the Obama Regime in the bitter feud yet to come. Yet, I do see an opportunity to present a REAL dichotomy in what WE see and what THEY see as the future of our nation. The lines must be drawn HERE AND NOW. I see only one man with the spirit and drive to make the distinctions that must be made between the Leftist view and what the majority of Americans believe.

Therefor, on the day before Mr. Santorum appears here in Steubenville, OH...YES WE ARE A VERY POPULAR CITY THESE DAYS...I hereby endorse Rick Santorum for the Republican nomination for the presidency of the United States of America.

STEUBENVILLE - Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum will make a one-hour campaign stop here Monday as he continues to challeng former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination.

Santorum has been making an increasing number of campaign stops in Ohio as the March 6 primary nears.

Jefferson County Republican Party Chairman Dr. Brian Wilson said Santorum will make a public appearance from 10-11 a.m. at Froehlich's Classic Corner Restaurant.

The event is free and open to the public.

Santorum became connected to Steubenville in March 2010 when the Rev. Terrence Henry, TOR, president of the Franciscan University of Steubenville, presented the former Pennsylvania senator and his wife, Karen, with the university's Poverello Medal.

The ceremony was held at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Md., on March 11, 2010, and included more than 100 guests.

"We are here to honor a Catholic married couple whose pro-life witness inspires us all to keep fighting the good fight," said Henry...Read more about Santorum's local ties at The Herald Star

More Patton...Less Patten Leather...No Matter How It May Appear...

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