Thursday, May 3, 2012

A "Compressed" Story About "Compressed" Women

Glenn Beck says that those "Compressed" girls that you find in bars are really HOT. I must be doing something wrong, because I just can't seem to find that one perfect woman who suits my tastes in every possible respect.

I was blessed to have my wife (the perfect woman for me) in my life for twenty years until she passed away with cancer 5 yrs. ago this June. She always told me that she wanted me to find someone, someone beautiful, to be with after she passed. I may see others, but that one true love will never be recreated....However, this is not about me...

EVERYONE deserves that one PERFECT relationship just once in a lifetime.

I guess if you can hire devout Communist and anarchist Bill Ayres to write your books for you, you can recreate your own personal history to suit any whim. That must be just one of those perks that only go to the Elite in Leftist society. Conservatives, on the other hand, are to be held to account for their sins, lies, and indiscretions.

Google, which sits atop more data than anybody outside the NSA, is presenting Bill Ayers as the author of Barack Obama's purported first autobiography, Dreams from My Father. Follow this link and see it while you can. If it is gone by the time you read this, a screen shot of the page, and a close-up on the Dreams entry are provided for posterity.

Google knows so much about us already that privacy activists are alarmed. What data are its algorithms sifting through to come to the conclusion that yes, the stylistic parallels to Ayers' other books are formidable and Barry never showed any sign of an ability to write this way before or after, and yes, Christopher Anderson's friendly biography includes the information that Obama found himself deeply in debt and "hopelessly blocked." At "Michelle's urging," Obama "sought advice from his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers."

So the company that supposedly knows more about us than we know ourselves also knows who wrote Dreams from My Father.

Read more: American Thinker

Rush Linbaugh...He (Obama) was such a "cool guy," you would think women would be falling out of the woodwork here telling us what a great, cool dude Obama was. And people inspired by his professorship at the University of Chicago teaching how to overthrow private sector governments and so forth, too. You would think there would be a lot of people coming forth and saying, "Yeah, Obama, he was such a cool guy. He really inspired me!" You can't find these people. You can't find 'em.

Now, Dylan Byers says, "One of the more mysterious characters from President Obama's 1995 autobiography Dreams From My Father is the so-called 'New York girlfriend.' Obama never referred to her by name, or even by pseudonym [sic], but he describes her appearance, her voice, and her mannerisms in specific detail. But Obama has now told biographer David Maraniss," he used to be at the Washington Post, "that the 'New York girlfriend' was actually a composite character, based off of multiple girlfriends he had both in New York City and in Chicago.

"During an interview in the Oval Office, Obama acknowledged that, while Genevieve was his New York girlfriend, the description in his memoir was a 'compression'..." That's his word. He meant "composite," I'm sure. She "was a 'compression' of girlfriends, including one who followed Genevieve [Cook] when he lived in Chicago,' Maraniss writes..." So the New York girlfriend was a composite. The bunch of girlfriends Obama had, he just combined all the character traits into one woman.

And the excuse is, "Hey, it's just a couple paragraphs in the book! What's the big deal?" Well, in an autobiography, if you're gonna invent characters -- in an autobiography, if you're going to invent characters -- and then only admit you invented them after people have tried to find them... You know, he invents this Genevieve babe and people can't find her. She didn't exist...Read More

Dylan Byers...Politico..."In Dreams from My Father, Obama chose to emphasize a racial chasm that unavoidably separated him from the woman he described as his New York girlfriend," Maraniss writes, offering a passage from the book in which they go to see a play by a black playwright:
"One night I took her to see a new play by a black playwright. It was a very angry play, but very funny. Typical black American humor. The audience was mostly black, and everybody was laughing and clapping and hollering like they were in church. After the play was over, my friend started talking about why black people were so angry all the time. I said it was a matter of remembering—nobody asks why Jews remember the Holocaust, I think I said—and she said that’s different, and I said it wasn’t, and she said that anger was just a dead end. We had a big fight, right in front of the theater. When we got back to the car she started crying. She couldn’t be black, she said. She would if she could, but she couldn’t. She could only be herself, and wasn’t that enough."
"None of this happened with Genevieve," Maraniss writes. "She remembered going to the theater only once with Barack, and it was not to see a work by a black playwright. When asked about this decades later, during a White House interview, Obama acknowledged that the scene did not happen with Genevieve. “It is an incident that happened,” he said. But not with her. He would not be more specific, but the likelihood is that it happened later, when he lived in Chicago.

“That was not her,” he said. “That was an example of compression I was very sensitive in my book not to write about my girlfriends, partly out of respect for them. So that was a consideration. I thought that [the anecdote involving the reaction of a white girlfriend to the angry black play] was a useful theme to make about sort of the interactions that I had in the relationships with white girlfriends.

And so, that occupies, what, two paragraphs in the book? My attitude was it would be dishonest for me not to touch on that at all … so that was an example of sort of editorially how do I figure that out?”"

Broadway Books, a division of Random House's Crown Publishing Group, did not immediately respond to a request for comment...Read More


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