Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Warren's Own "Trail Of Tears" Begins

Elizabeth Warren Still on the War Path

We here at Grandpa John's have researched the issue thoroughly and have located proof of Elizabeth Warren's American Indian heritage.

We have uncovered a photograph of Dr. Warren nagging counseling Chief Wild Eagle and Crazy Cat during a Hekawi tribe pow-wow:

H/T to Grandpa John

The saga of hardcore socialist and Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren’s laughable claims to be part-Indian, for the purposes of accessing various academic diversity benefits, took a serious turn on Sunday when Robert Maginn, chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party (and himself a Harvard graduate) wrote the university president to demand an investigation into Warren’s apparent “academic fraud.”...(snip)

And the madness might still be ongoing, because as Maginn mentions, Harvard might still be listing Warren as a diversity hire, even after weeks of sustained ridicule:

Last week’s news report that Harvard may have continued to list Ms. Warren as a Native American in the Vice Provost’s 2011 official faculty diversity report – and Harvard’s unwillingness to simply confirm or deny this – makes it appear that Harvard itself is complicit in misrepresenting the true diversity of its law school faculty.

(Hillary Chabot, “Harvard Won’t Say If Liz Warren Listed As Minority,” Boston Herald, May 4, 2012). Among the obvious questions that are likely to arise is did Harvard use factually inaccurate diversity data to make compensation-based decisions or to satisfy government applications for research funding...More at Human Events

The great-great-great grandfather of Elizabeth Warren - who has long claimed to be part Native American - was not married to a Cherokee but actually rounded them up for the Trail of Tears, it has been claimed.

But the Senate hopeful has dismissed the embarrassing reports as 'politics as usual', and has brushed off calls for her to prove she did not use her questionable heritage to further her law career.

The denial comes after an article on claimed Warren's ancestor Jonathan Crawford was a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes.

  He then apparently herded them into government-built stockades at Ross's Landing, the starting point of the Trail of Tears - along which as many of 6,000 Native Americans died - in January 1837.

Crawford was apparently part of a volunteer militia between 1835 and 1836 under Brigadier General R. G. Dunlap.

Read more: The Daily Mail

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