Saturday, August 25, 2012

Drumming Up The Troops In Tampa

As the Republican convention is about to begin, may I wish them all my best in the days to come. Chris Christie will be introduced by Marco Rubio before presenting the keynote address. I expect this combination to knock one out of the park!

As hurricane Issac approaches, only a few convention visitors have decided to move to higher ground. Most are proving to be made of sterner stuff, as one might expect of any true conservative. I hear that Donald Trump will fire the President in his address to the faithful. Well, maybe I will go out for a lager at that juncture. However, it may be fun if the Obama impersonator is as talented as the last one I saw.
Here is the real elephant entering the room...

You tell those Dems where to go Joe!

PHOENIXMaricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, one of the nation’s most sought-after Republican speakers will address a large audience of Republican National Convention delegates from western states at a special reception with elephants at the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida on August 30th.

“Sheriff Joe is a good friend and a great Republican, a former member of the Electoral College representing Arizona, and he’s wildly popular not just in Maricopa County but throughout the state and the country,” said Tom Morrissey, Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. “He’s done a lot for the Republican Party already and we’re overjoyed that as always he is willing to join us as we visit some of our ‘fellow elephants’ while in Tampa.”
The event is invitation-only.


The symbol of the Republican Party is the elephant. During the mid term elections in 1874, Democrats tried to scare voters into thinking President Ulysses S. Grant would seek to run for an unprecedented third term. Thomas Nast, a cartoonist for Harper’s Weekly, depicted a Democratic donkey trying to scare a Republican elephant – and both symbols stuck. For a long time, Republicans have been known as the “G.O.P.” with party faithful believing it meant the “Grand Old Party.” But apparently the original meaning (in 1875) was “gallant old party.”

When automobiles were invented it also came to mean, “get out and push.” That’s still a pretty good slogan for Republicans who depend every campaign year on the hard work of hundreds of thousands of everyday volunteers to get out and vote and push people to support the causes of the Republican Party. (Elephants, not Donkeys,” Republican National Committee)

                          BTW...I think "Bob" will be there too!

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