Saturday, March 9, 2013

Muslims Are Above The Law

Islamic Group Evicted by SWAT Team from $3 Mil Memphis Mansion After Claiming to be a Sovereign State

The Moorish American Nationals claim to be “the descendants of the Ancient Moabites whom inhabited the northwestern and southwestern shores of Africa” and have attempted to set up their own Moorish Nation here claiming indigenous ancestry, even though this isn’t Africa. (Also they’re not Moabites.)

Moorish-Americans claim that they don’t have to obey American laws because they are the members of their own country. This naturally leads to fun times for everyone.
Muslims living in America should not be bound by U.S. law, according to a leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who delivered the controversial message to a crowd at a Muslim rally in Austin, Texas.

“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” said Mustafa Carroll, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth CAIR branch. The rally in Austin was part of a nationwide effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events.

According to the event website, Muslims from around Texas went to the capitol to “promote civic and political activism throughout the wider Muslim community.”

The organizers said one major issue discussed “was the recent House and Senate bill proposals involving the implementation of ‘anti-Shariah’ legislation, where the First Amendment rights and freedoms of Muslims would ultimately be hindered.”

See the entire rogues gallery of terror-tied CAIR leaders HERE

  • Ghassan Elashi: One of CAIR’s founding directors, he was convicted in 2004 of illegally shipping high-tech goods to terror state Syria and is serving 80 months in prison. He was also convicted of providing material support to Hamas in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial. He was chairman of the charity, which provided seed capital to CAIR. Elashi is related to Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook.

    Muthanna al-Hanooti: The CAIR director’s home was raided in 2006 by FBI agents in connection with an active terrorism investigation. Agents also searched the offices of his advocacy group, Focus on Advocacy and Advancement of International Relations, which al-Hanooti operates out of Dearborn, Mich., and Washington, D.C.Al-Hanooti, who emigrated to the U.S. from Iraq, formerly helped run a suspected Hamas terror front called LIFE for Relief and Development. Its Michigan offices also were raided in September 2006. In 2004, LIFE’s Baghdad office was raided by U.S. troops, who seized files and computers. Al-Hanooti is related to Sheik Mohammed al-Hanooti, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.


    Florida Senate Judiciary Committee approves anti-Sharia bill

    Atlas Shrugs March 07, 2013

    Hamas-CAIR is waging jihad against these freedom bills. They are losing. From the daily CAIR alert: "Meaningless Bill caters to Islamophobes."

    The legislation prohibits the violation of an individual's right under the Constitution of the State of Florida or the United States Constitution. This very simple and clear cut legislation should be the proverbial no brainer. And yet the fact that it being met by so much resistance, both overt and covert, indicates how very needed it is.

    How can anyone oppose a law that seeks to prevent foreign laws from undermining fundamental constitutional liberties? We all accept that state and federal constitutional rights to a jury trial in civil cases can be waived almost by default (thus two parties agreeing to be bound by German or French law where there is no jury trial right in a civil matter) would not be affected by the bill, since the jury trial right is per the law waived by default.

    But there is no jurisprudence in the federal system and none in any state that would allow a party to waive Equal Protection—that is, could an african american agree to be discriminated against by the state? Absolutely not, so why would we allow a party to “waive” an equal protection claim in court where the state’s police power is being used to enforce an offensive foreign law?

    We now have groups that have come to this country with a ready-made model of society and government which they believe to be superior to what we have here, and are working to institute it.

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