Friday, March 29, 2013

The Talkin' Jackass Rides Again


The lead jackass speaks HERE...Avoid IQ loss and ignore...
D.C.-area governments shun Obama's gun control

In a stunning rebuke to President Obama, four Washington-area governments, one just 19 miles from the White House, have rejected his sweeping anti-gun agenda and are threatening to quit a regional government group pushing for Democratic-style gun control.

Loudoun County, Va., Frederick County, Md., Manassas City, Va., and Fairfax City, Va., have all signaled that they oppose a gun control measure adopted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, with Loudoun, Frederick and Manassas City threatening to stop funding the influential group.


Give me your input...Common sense always welcome...Barking Moonbats will be dealt with harshly.