Friday, July 5, 2013

Obama Solves Our Energy Crisis

For those of you who may have missed this groundbreaking news, Our Dear Leader and Messiah has done it again. Oil, gas, and coal be will now power our nation!
AP photo: “U.S. President Barack Obama demonstrates ‘the Soccket Ball,’ which uses kinetic energy to provide power to charge a cell phone or power a light, during an event at the Ubungo power plant to promote energy innovation on Tuesday, July 2, 2013, in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
The president is traveling in Tanzania on the final leg of his three-country tour in Africa.
More on the Soccket Ball at The Blaze

The core problem with President Barack Obama's speech on climate change is that it rejects environmental science in favor of the utopian idea that we can, acting collectively, control the weather. His beliefs on climate resemble his beliefs about the economy, in which he has repeatedly suggested that careful stewardship by the government will prevent the booms and busts of the past. He is committed, a priori, to statist management...Read the rest at Breitbart


  1. It's presumably so that kids will have lights to read by. A solar powered lamp runs $10. A sOccket ball runs $99 and probably powers a smaller lamp.

    Even if Obama weren't writing another hot check for $7 billion, this wouldn't be the way to go.

  2. All HE cares about is getting face time with the soccer fans worldwide...and crony socialism.

  3. Thanks Scotty, I guess all I can say is, We're saved!

  4. Unicorns and soccer dreams for all Odie...We can see the light of Liberal Utopia shining bright...sic.


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