Friday, August 23, 2013

DHS Worker Promotes ‘Racial Warfare’ Website Calling for Mass Murder of Whites

A Department of Homeland Security employee who works on, among other things, the procurement of guns and ammunition for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, spends his nights and weekends preparing for a coming race war and advocating for anti-gay causes, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Meet Ayo Kimathi, a.k.a. “the Irritated Genie," who told his bosses at the DHS that his anti-white, anti-gay site, "War is on the Horizon," was just an entertainment site that sells concert and lecture videos. 

You see, DHS employees, even those with office jobs like Kimathi's, have to get outside activities approved by their supervisors, according to the SPLC. Kimathi's former supervisor told the watchdog group, which tracks hate speech and groups in the U.S., that despite her former employee's banal description of his extracurricular activities, the actual content of the site left her "stunned."

She continued: “To see the hate, to know that he is a federal employee, it bothered me." She added that had Kimathi's site been accurately described to the agency, there's no way the DHS would have signed off on it. Possibly to keep his bosses from looking up his work, Kimathi used only the site's acronym, WOH, in his permission request. In addition to his involvement in the purchase of ICE supplies, Kimathi also had a public profile for the agency, speaking at vendor events.

As "Irritated Genie," Kimathi also has a public profile as a black supremacist advocate.

The content of Kimathi's advocacy demands some clarification. In some (white, conservative) circles, the term "black supremacist"  is applied with a very wide brush. Black supremacy was the implication of Maine Governor Paul LePage's reported comments that President Obama "hates white people," for instance. Kimathi's site is not in this vein of this imagined threat — on the contrary, War on the Horizon calls Obama a "a treasonous mulatto scum dweller," and lists him among the movement's enemies (also on the list? Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, and Condoleezza Rice, among others) Instead, the DHS employee advocates for:
  • The mass murder of white people. His site says, "warfare is eminent, and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our christian hearts can possibly count."
  • A conspiracy theory arguing that white people are trying to "homosexualize" black men in order to make them more effeminate and therefore weaker. As part of this, Kimathi, praises a series of laws in some African countries that criminalize LGBT behavior and people. Kimathi also advocates for the supremacy of black men above black women — he offers tips on his site, for instance, "to help every Black woman in the world understand what she needs to do to keep a strong Black man happy."
  • Read More
‘HATE THEM’: Here’s What Teen Accused of Murdering Australian Student Had to Say About ‘White’ People, Guns and Killing on Twitter...In one outrageous tweet, Edwards writes: “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.”
  • In another, he claims he “knocked out 5 woods since Zimmerman court.” The word “woods” is also a derogatory term used to describe white people.
    TheBlaze has compiled a  list of the Edwards’s most hateful and inflammatory Twitter posts, some of which are reportedly lyrics from rap songs...See More At The Blaze
Obama is indeed a role model for young black men, so much so that in St. Louis there is a new gang, aptly called “Obama Boyz.”



  1. I do not think that his son will look like them. The last clip is very funny.

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  2. As my link of the day says..."Keep your sword at the ready" Odie.

  3. And regards to you Zelena...No ads plz. His son will probably look like Frank Marshall Davis...or Hendrix.


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