Last night Ann Curry of NBC News revealed leaked environmental studies "proving" that we are responsible for all current and future damage caused by climate change. In hushed tones she interviewed the chief of the Inuit tribes of the Arctic. The conclusion of this emotional hype was that "We in the industrialized world are using more than our share of the world's resources."
It must be time to start sacrificing to the "Gods of Science".
The Obama administration is poised to implement it Cap and Trade agenda, not by having congress pass a bill, but by executive order. Bypassing congress altogether---knowing full well that the draconian changes Obama has envisioned would never be approved by either the Senate or the House. Obama is aware that not even in a Democratic controlled Senate would this effort get a simple majority of the vote. Nevertheless, the radical environmentalist have the ear of the president and he is determined to have his EPA call for regulations that will result in higher utility rates for millions of Americans.
A while back I wrote this short satire on the issue of man-made global warming when the debate was raging in Washington, well it is again fitting.
Once inside they used their flint tools to build a fire to provide the warmth needed to get through the long night. As the heat from their several campfires began to warm the cave ice on the caves roof it would melt small amounts of the ice and the water would drip or run down the sides of the caves walls. This was their way of life, the nights in the caves and the days searching for the animals of the north. A cycle that continued for thousands of years.
As time passed Ugock noticed the level of a nearby lake was rising. He thought about this at night while sitting near his campfire as he watched the ice melting on the caves roof with an occasional drop of water hitting him on the head. Suddenly on night he jumped to his feet, for he had discovered an absolute truth, he was causing the lake to rise. It was him and his small cave fire and the fires of other nearby clans. Next day he raised the alarm and warned all he met of the approaching danger and urged all to reduce the size and number of their cave fires, less the lake continue to rise and drown them all.
The fires dimmed but the water continued to raise and eventually out of desperation sacrifices were made to the old gods. The Paleo-Indians had discovered man-made global warming.
Now some 15,000 years later the new cave-dwellers of the sprawling canyons of metropolis have again discovered that ancient enemy of global warming and just as Ugock they are calling for the dimming of the campfires to stop the rising waters. And in time they will call for greater sacrifices to the gods of science, not the virgin sacrifices of the past (alas, no more virgins), but instead, the sacrifice of "our way of life". The sky is falling again and the Chicken Little's of the world are sounding the alarm!
Duhhh...I see nottning...NOTTING. Common wat he say???