Monday, September 30, 2013

“Gun Free” UK: Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Daughter Mugged at Gun Point

If you listen to Piers Morgan, the UK is a utopia where guns were banned and as a result everyone spends all day hugging each other. The reality is that in the UK, as in Chicago or New York, the difficulty in obtaining a gun only means that the gunmen are all criminals.
How safe from gun crime is London? So safe that former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s daughter got mugged in London by an armed gunman.
The 29-year-old barrister came face to face with the thieves as she and her boyfriend were walking their dog shortly after the wedding of her brother Euan.

The two men, one armed with a gun, demanded cash and jewellery before suddenly fleeing empty-handed.

The former Prime Minister’s daughter and her partner were shocked but unhurt.

It is believed Ms Blair and her boyfriend were threatened near her townhouse in Marylebone, central London on Monday evening.

Read more at Girls Just Wanna Have Guns


  1. Haaa...Piers doesn't want to be sent back to Londanistan Odie. They might have a Fatwa out on him!


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