Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Liberals Think vs. Reality

What Liberals think- If we are really nice to Islamists, and show them we want peace, they will like us

Reality- They will still want to cut your head off or blow you up

What Liberals think- Rights come from big government

Reality-Rights come from God, they are Natural Rights

What Liberals think- Equality is the ultimate Utopia

Reality- Liberals prefer “equality” to liberty, even if that equality is an equality of suffering under Totalitarianism

What Liberals think- The States enforcement of the “common good” is more important than individual rights

Reality- Once the “common good” supersedes individual liberty, no liberty is safe, and ultimately, the “common good” will be decided by some for of dictatorship

What Liberals Think- Freedom of speech is sacrosanct, as long as that speech does not contradict Liberalism, then it is hate speech

Reality- Freedom of speech IS sacrosanct, no matter who it offends

What Liberals Think- Armed citizens rarely if ever use guns in self-defense, so strict gun control will reduce violent crime

Reality- Guns are used hundreds of thousands of times annually by Americans to defend themselves, so disarming the people will cause a dramatic increase in violent crime

Via...The Daley Gator


  1. There are more photos like that on a site I just discovered thru a FB friend...I have to find it again...Getting old Odie!


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