A despondent yet vengeful Sen. Harry Reid slithered out his office today and with the help of his fellow creepy crawler Senate Democrats changed a 200 year plus old rule that severely diminishes the capacity of Republicans to mount a filibuster against Obama’s most radical judge appointees.
Now Obama can appoint the Rev. Al Sharpton to a judge seat and GOPers are powerless to stop him. This is who progressives are—ruthless and nasty!
Welcome to Obama’s version of the Third Reich!
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), the Senate’s leading critic of the Affordable Care Act, denounced a vote Thursday to prohibit filibusters against appellate court nominees as a scheme to save the health law.
“The heart of this action is directed at packing the D.C. Circuit because that is the court that will review the lawless behavior of the Obama administration implementing ObamaCare,” he said.
“President Obama and the administration refuse to follow the plain text of the law, and the D.C. Circuit is the court of appeals that has been holding the administration accountable."
For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. THE PEOPLE will respond in kind to this treachery!
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