Wednesday, April 30, 2014

ANOTHER Federal Land Grab In The Name Of “Environment” In Temecula, California

Image by Rodney Pike

The FEDS & BLM are fascists. They don’t give a damn about tortoises, rats, or condors.  It’s about power.  How much do you want to bet they’ll find some tape from 50 years ago saying Johnson was a racist in 10th grade?  And, Americans will chomp at the bit to destroy Johnson’s life as well.    

People get angered at me lately for standing in the gap over things that are not considered conservative… Since when is big government conservative???

They want our money, land and soul.. How long are we going to put up with this until we storm the Bastille?

Americans have become increasingly concerned about the federal government's seizure of privately-held lands and property, especially after the Cliven Bundy incident in Nevada. 

Now another land owner, Bill Johnson of Temecula, California, claims his property at Vail Lake, the largest privately-owned lake in California, is being threatened by the county, state, and federal governments.

Johnson purchased 11,000 acres of land in Riverside County over 17 years ago, including Vail Lake, encompassing over 1,000 square surface acres of water. Now Johnson claims various levels of government are trying to seize the property, using intimidation under the guise of environmental concerns.

Read More at Breitbart


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