Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sweet Baby Jesus: Nancy Pelosi, "We Should Treat Illegal Immigrant Children Like Baby Jesus"

Editor’s Note: She is such a snake. If she disregarded the facts and manipulated emotion any more, her last name would be Obama.

What would Jesus say or do? Never mind that. According to woman-child Nancy Pelosi, the question is who should be treated like Baby Jesus. The answer is illegal immigrants streaming across the southern border into the United States.
The former House Speaker (let that sink in for a minute!) was on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Tuesday, where she was asked, “What are we doing to make this situation” at the border “better?”

Pelosi’s answer? We should treat these lawbreakers like the baby Jesus:
I always reference the Bishop National Catholic Confer– uh, Conference of Bishops statement in which they said Baby Jesus was a refugee from violence. Let us not turn away from these children and send them back into a burning building. That’s the bishops.

Read More At...Liberty Unyielding


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