Friday, April 23, 2010

Everything Before "But"...

...Is BS. The latest hostile takeover of this regime will place total control of the banking system directly in the hands of Obama The One. The Wall St. Journal has an expose' detailing the 13 worst things about this bill, but the jist of it is that banking and investment will be co opted by the executive branch without explanation or possibility of judicial review and you will have to "Pay to Play." These are--in essence--the words of Barack himself. "I believe strongly in the free market system...BUT." Small buisnesses will be denied investment capital under existing laws favoring "angel investors." New startups are helped by these types of capital investments. Google, Facebook, Twitter and others got their start this way, and 10% of all new jobs are created in this fashion. However they would not fall under the heavy hand of Barack so this practice must be eliminated. Only the favored financial institutions as in Goldman Sacs, Fannie and Freddie, and minority run banks will receive a free reign. Goldman has paid well for it's pass and the incestuous relationship they have with Big Govt. and the Fed is well known. Freddie and Fannie are in constant bailout mode ad infinitum, in spite of their complicity in the fall of our economy. The SEC (too busy downloading porn on the taxpayer dime) and Congressional oversight committees turn a blind eye to ACORN assisted loans and the massive housing bubble is being blown up faster than ever. It is unbearable to listen to this naive ideologue ACORN thug give his professorial rant on how the economy should be run when he is totally incompetant in such matters. To make things worse, HE is complicit in driving the forces that are destroying our economic base start with. His whole history with ACORN and in the Senate speaks for itself. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Smucky Schummer, Raines, Johnson and others should all be brought up on charges of corruption and malfeasence in office at the earliest opportunity come November. The Great One himself may be called to testify in the latest round of the Blogo trials. The day will come when His thugery and corrupt practices will be brought to light as well. There are those close to the seat of power who must hold their peace for fear of Chickago style reprisals now, but the day will dawn and the truth will out in the end. Rohm Emanuel is running for cover back to Chickago, as is Andy Stern who is implicated in these trials. As with all Stalinist regimes, a purge from the inside is coming.


  1. Can we hold out until November? If he (and George Bush) had a clue about economics this would all be over. If it would have been allowed to fail two years ago, it would have found its own level by now ... just like 1920.

  2. Brazil, China, and others who held on through this downturn without slush fund stim. (BO-zombie economics) have already turned their economies around and are growing GDP like gangbusters. Cap and tax will cripple us for the forseeable future. Goldman Sachs, Freddie and Fannie, and the Al Gorelioni/Soros climate crime syndicate will be the big winners then. (See Glenn Beck--4/26-27) The middle class Americans will be the monkey in the middle again, distributing wealth to the wealthy and the IMF commie conspiracy worldwide. The die is cast I am afraid.


Give me your input...Common sense always welcome...Barking Moonbats will be dealt with harshly.