Thursday, April 29, 2010

Have A Happy May Day!

As we proudly celebrate the biggest celebration of the Communist New Age with the massive and destructive marches and demonstrations planned for 70 American cities this weekend; may I make a few contributions to the festivities at hand. The "Reconquistadores" of La Raza, the SEIU, Communist party USA, The Socialist Internationale' and the Shady Sharpton "Loss of Freedom Marchers" all have their goons in place for the most effective media coverage. As for myself I plan to celebrate by going to the range and trying out my new Ruger S-9, and cleaning my Carbon AR-15. These are both produced in the great state of Arizona. I then plan to come home, listen to the haters and racists on the right wing radio and drink my beverage of choice while I watch the march of the moonbats around our great nation. The Univ. of Wisconsin has been ordered by a "Circus" Judge to give Bill Ayres a lecture hall in which to speak, pay him a fee, and provide his security at the event. I--missed---him at Pitt Univ. so I must catch his latest inspiring monologue online later in the day. He says he really didn't want to hurt or kill anyone as a Weatherman--really! Finally I will catch the Diamondbacks game. Go Snakes. Down with the San Fransicko Bummers. I am taking donations to give any illegal, undocumented Democrats a catered trip to Berekly. Sounds like a plan.


  1. First, I don't know what looks better, the gun or Ann. (That was stupid Ann of course.) Second, count me in for $100.00 for the Berkley fund. Mexico City might be better though. Third, I'm also a proud owner of a Ruger (GL100 357 Mag.). We just got more snow (global warming ?), so I'll have to wait to get to the range.

  2. I think the gun looks better! Ann just does not do it foe me.

  3. I like Ann, but I'll take the weapon or a new sports car every time. They will treat you better and probably outlast her as well!


Give me your input...Common sense always welcome...Barking Moonbats will be dealt with harshly.