Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Legal Pot Gets Taxed In Colorado...LITTLE FEAT LIVES!

A measure to impose hefty taxes on recreational marijuana passed easily Tuesday, as voters across the state overwhelmingly chose to make pot one of the most heavily taxed consumer products in Colorado.
"Marijuana, Cheetos & Goldfish all legal in CO," Hickenlooper wrote on Twitter on Tuesday night. "Now we'll have the $$ to regulate, enforce & educate ."
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  1. DoooooooDe, pass that expensive thing over here. Half that tax is going up in smoke.

  2. In case you didn't notice ... He's back! FireFox just updated me and I think it worked. No browser freeze.

  3. Good news on the "brain freeze" thing Odie...They say that this tax is going to "help the children" and fund schools...How many times have we heard that before???


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