I am warning everyone now...The next global collapse is coming soon, and it is being orchestrated from on high by our own "Dear Leader"
Gas prices are being manipulated for the time being to keep the flow of FED FIAT CASH rolling into the markets and to soothe the useful idiot masses for the interim...until...BANG!
Obama Purge On US Military Continues – Fires 10th Commander
Why is Barack Obama now purging military commanders here in America? Using an excuse of a ‘lack of confidence’, the commander of the largest military base in Japan has been let go as shared in the following Infowars video report.
Is Obama now purging military commanders who refuse to fire upon Americans as suggested in the second video? Even Catholic Online is ripping Barack Obama apart about this purge.
It reads like Soviet history under Stalin, but the U.S. military’s top brass are quietly being purged by Obama who some allege is on a mission to “emasculate” the military.
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady said that Obama is destroying the morale of the U.S. Army so that officers and men no longer feel they are prepared to fight. “There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” over such issues as “homosexuals, women in foxholes, the Obama sequester,” Brady told WND News.
“They are purging everyone” another source reportedly told WND...BIN
Israel outraged by US leak about Syrian strike
The US intelligence leak that confirmed Israeli warplanes attacked Syrian territories has stirred considerable anger in Israel, with officials accusing the US of causing damage to Israel.
Israel's Yedioth Aharonoth newspaper reports that after the US leaked the information confirming that Israel's Air Force was responsible for the attack against a Syrian military site in Latakia, senior officials in Israel expressed outrage.
American news channel CNN quoted a US source yesterday who revealed that the Israeli Air Force attacked a Syrian site which contained PSA-17 anti-aircraft missiles. The Israeli newspaper further explained that: "it is estimated that the missiles were to be transferred from Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The US-leaked information reflects the deep political differences between the US and Israel, especially since this is the third time that Washington has leaked information about Israeli air strikes in Syria."
AP BS: US Drilling Doesn't Drop Gas Prices
RUSH: "This is why I have been saying it: More drilling doesn't cut gas prices. It's a story. And it's a fact-check from the AP."
AP's done a fact-check story: "More US drilling didn't drop gas prices -- It's the political cure-all for high gas prices: Drill here, drill now. But more US drilling has not changed how deeply the gas pump drills into your wallet, math and history show."
"A statistical analysis of 36 years of monthly, inflation-adjusted gasoline prices and US domestic oil production by The Associated Press shows no statistical correlation between how much oil comes out of US wells and the price at the pump."
"Now, uh, once again I find myself near speechless here."
"This is a raw, naked assertion of flat-out excrement"
This is BS of the highest order.
More from Rush Limbaugh
Coal workers, their families and a handful of lawmakers gathered Tuesday near the U.S. Capitol to protest Washington’s so-called “war on coal.”
Surrounded by signs protesting government overreach and shouting over fiery speeches from lawmakers representing coal country, TheBlaze asked attendees what they’d say if they were given a chance to speak face-to-face to Washington’s leaders.
The responses, though varied, had a common theme:
Get off our back!
I see something nasty on the horizon...How about you?
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