Friday, March 29, 2013

The Talkin' Jackass Rides Again


The lead jackass speaks HERE...Avoid IQ loss and ignore...
D.C.-area governments shun Obama's gun control

In a stunning rebuke to President Obama, four Washington-area governments, one just 19 miles from the White House, have rejected his sweeping anti-gun agenda and are threatening to quit a regional government group pushing for Democratic-style gun control.

Loudoun County, Va., Frederick County, Md., Manassas City, Va., and Fairfax City, Va., have all signaled that they oppose a gun control measure adopted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, with Loudoun, Frederick and Manassas City threatening to stop funding the influential group.


USA_Admiral said...

This is the way Friday needs to look!

Unknown said...

My thanks and kudos to you Admiral!