Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Call For A Rebel Yell

I think there is something about shotguns in this video...just for fun...

While we are on the subject, here is some wisdom from Ted Nugent...

"So long as any prospective or elected public official has not made his
money illegally, no person’s financial status is any of my business or

There is no law mandating release of tax returns. What we do know is that he took no salary when he was governor of Massachusetts or when he saved the Winter Olympic games. He and his wife probably have donated millions of dollars to charity. Good for them.

It would be fascinating to know if Mitt Romney is elected president, would accept a salary or not.

Americans should want a successful person to be president. We should
want someone who understands how the free market truly works. We should
reward and praise success, not try to find ways to condemn it or cast
aspersions on successful people.

It would be refreshing to hear every candidate state: “I made my money legally. How much money I
made, have and donate is none of your business. What I can tell you is
that if elected president, I will do the job for free. I also will work
my hardest to ensure that any barriers that prohibit you from achieving
your dreams will be terminated with extreme prejudice on my first day in

Let’s make sure we don’t condemn success but, instead, praise it. Let’s
focus on things that matter most, not whether a candidate releases his
tax return.

Successful people create jobs and grow the economy, not life-long
Fedzillacrats and community organizers. Weld that into your frontal

Ted Nugent

More from Ted...
For those unfamiliar, Ted Nugent doesn’t shy away from sharing his opinions on myriad controversial political topics — from gun-rights to homosexuality, from religion to the military.

The veteran rocker recently said at a Republican event that, ”The whole world sucks, but America still sucks less.” He followed up the assertion by clarifying, “But with this administration, we are catching up,”

The Detroit native caught up with Mike Broomhead’s team at KFYI-AM in Phoenix for yet another bombshell of an interview. We warn, the following clip contains graphic language. Still, many will find Nugent’s trademark no holds barred attitude on politics a refreshing change of pace.

Among his more piquant revelations, Nugent believes that having Tim Geithner seve as Secretary of The Treasury, bearing in mind Geithner’s “tax cheating,“ is like having Jeffrey Dahmer ”in charge of a children’s playground.”

He also said that “welfare is slavery” and that we have “American hating maniacs” in our government.

Nugent is also no fan of the current GOP field, suggesting in fairly crude lingo that Republican presidential candidates are lacking in the testosterone department...Listen to Ted Nugent on The Blaze

H/T to Ron Russell

Monday, February 27, 2012

BB King Tells It Like It Is

Charicature by Rodney Pike

While the fat and happy people of the Kingdom of America, prosper and laze all day long, their great leader Barack Obama, sings “Sweet Home Chicago” while Mick Jagger holds the mike, at yet another wonderful White House celebration.
What lucky subjects these Americans are, to have such a melodious master leading their blessed land.

I say BB is telling The One to GO HOME!

I will not bore you with another Obummer outtake destroying another BB King classic. However, I will include the following BB King great "The Thrill Is Gone". The man hisself also played this at the Obummer Festival...Think he was throwing any hints around?
After all BB King has "been there and done that" for far too many years to be fooled by the likes of Barry Saetoro. I'm just saying...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rendell The Philly Thug At It Again

Philadelphia’s two daily newspapers have long been accused of liberal bias, but critics say a group of potential buyers led by former Gov. Ed Rendell would turn the papers into mere mouthpieces of the Democratic Party in a 2012 swing state.
Mr. Rendell, a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, is teaming with George Norcross, the Democratic Party boss of southern New Jersey, and others in an effort to purchase the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Daily News and the company’s website,
There is reportedly at least one other bidder for the media company, the most influential in Pennsylvania, though that party has not publicly identified itself.
“The prospect of Rendell’s group owning the newspapers is like the foxes watching the henhouse and all of the sacred cows,” said Paul Davies, former deputy editorial page editor at the Inquirer. “Essentially, the Inquirer will cease to exist as a legitimate newspaper. It will become the insiders’ house organ.”
Mr. Rendell said on a talk-radio show this week that this deal would not be the first time powerful people with an “ideological bent,” such as Rupert Murdoch, have tried to purchase a media company. He also noted that the 183-year-old Inquirer was owned for decades by Republican businessman Walter Annenberg, and said his group is simply trying to save the financially troubled papers.
“Nobody wants to stifle news,” said Mr. Rendell, a two-term mayor of Philadelphia in the 1990s.
Journalists at both papers are so concerned that nearly 300 of them signed a public statement last week calling on the current and any future owners to protect the integrity of their reporting. They said the current owner, Philadelphia Media Network (PMN), has censored their coverage of the sale.
“As The Philadelphia Inquirer, Daily News and have gone up for sale once again, we watched with dismay as our own coverage of the process was compromised and censored,” the statement says.
PMN Publisher Greg Osberg denied any censorship.
PMN acquired the papers in bankruptcy proceedings in 2010 from a local group of owners led by Republican businessman Brian Tierney.
During his turbulent tenure as publisher in the heavily Democratic city, Mr. Tierney came under fire for bringing aboard conservative columnists at the Inquirer such as Rick Santorum, now a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, and John Yoo, a Bush administration official who helped write the legal justification for “enhanced interrogation techniques” against terrorism suspects.
Enhanced interrogation was on the mind of the loquacious Mr. Rendell, who became so exasperated at the uproar about his potential ownership of the papers that he pledged not to talk about it anymore.
“You’re going to have to waterboard me,” he told a reporter.
His vow of silence ended two days later, when he told WPHT-AM in Philadelphia that his group of investors would consider a pledge of noninterference with the newspapers’ coverage.
“Our group, I’m certain, would be willing to enter into some agreement with the reportorial staff that we wouldn’t influence any of their news reporting,” Mr. Rendell said.
Observers say Democratic ownership of the papers probably wouldn’t alter their track records in endorsing candidates. The Inquirer, for example, hasn’t endorsed a Republican for president since at least the 1960s, with the exception of 2008. Four years ago, under Mr. Tierney, the paper took the unusual step of endorsing both Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain for president in the general election.
Mr. Obama carried Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Journalists say potential conflicts abound with the prospective owners. For example, Mr. Norcross is a kingmaker in New Jersey Democratic politics whose brother, Donald, is a state senator. Other investors in Mr. Rendell’s group include parking magnate Lewis Katz and Ed Snider, chairman of Comcast Spectacor and owner of the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team.
“It’s just a mess right now,” said a member of one of the papers’ staffs, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Former Daily News editor Zack Stalberg, who led the paper when it was owned by Knight-Ridder Inc., said the turmoil at the papers makes him “nostalgic for chain journalism.”
“Certainly there’s cause for concern when you have highly opinionated and well-connected people in the deal,” Mr. Stalberg said. “It comes down to how they behave and who they put in management positions.”...The Washington Times...via Pat Dollard

Sale of Philadelphia newspapers raises bias concerns - Washington Times#pagebreak

Sale of Philadelphia newspapers raises bias concerns - Washington Times#pagebreak

Monday, February 20, 2012

Is This Your "Christian President" At Work?

One of the main news topics this past week involved President Obama’s mandate that Catholic and other religious institutions were required to provide free medical coverage for birth control.  Then the president seemed to offer an olive branch, but upon closer examination the branch turned out to be deadly hemlock and not olive.  He said that the insurance companies would have to provide the free birth control to the employees of religious institutions, which is virtually the same disregard for strong religious beliefs and to many Americans an outright violation of the First Amendment.

In all of the news and discussions, no one paid any attention to the effects this was having on our military personnel, especially the chaplains.  The Catholic Church had issued a denomination wide letter in which they informed parishioners that the Church “cannot and will not comply with this unjust law.”

The Army immediately issued orders to all chaplains, especially Catholic chaplains that they are not allowed to read the letter in its entirety and that certain portions of it are to be blacked out and not read aloud.  Former Navy chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt said,
“The secretary of the Army said you have to line out some of the language, or else we’re going to charge the chaplains with sedition and treason for opposing the Obama administration.  Can you believe this? They are actually threatening chaplains with court-martial if they dare to preach against sin in their own church.”
First the Pentagon tells all chaplains that they are required to ignore their religious beliefs and perform same-sex marriages or unions for military personnel requesting such services.  Then they told all military chaplains that they had to make their facilities available for same-sex union ceremonies.

Klingenschmitt reports that he was literally forced to resign his commission as a Navy chaplain after he had prayed publicly in the name of Jesus while wearing his Navy uniform.

Now the Pentagon is telling chaplains that they cannot preach against mandated birth control coverage or the sanctity of life without facing the serious charges of sedition and treason.

If Obama is re-elected in November, I would not be surprised to see his administration force all Christian chaplains to never mention anything about the Bible, Jesus Christ or preach against any sin.  They’ll be turned into nothing more than secular counselors.  But Muslim chaplains will be allowed to speak of Allah and publicly pray to Allah aloud.

Read more:

We were warned. “Who can deny but the president general will be a king to all intents and purposes, and one of the most dangerous kind too; a king elected to command a standing army...

The President- general, who is to be our king after this government is established, is vested with powers exceeding those of the most despotic monarch we know of in modern times...

I challenge the politicians of the whole continent to find in any period of history a monarch more absolute...”

That was written by Benjamin Workman under the penname “Philadelphiensis,” one of the Anti-Federalists who warned in 1787-88 that the proposed Constitution would centralize power to an appalling degree, particularly in the executive branch...Read More at MWC News


And here is the guy knows who he is...A flunky and a stooge for "those select few" in the drivers' seat.

And this is the type of "grassroots organizer" who will keep Lil' Barry in power AT ALL COSTS.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Here From The Trenches In Battleground Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine switched his endorsement from Mitt Romney to Rick Santorum on Friday in a defection he said was driven by his belief the former Pennsylvania senator can win the Republican presidential race.

DeWine, a former senator who led John McCain’s Ohio presidential campaign in 2008, made the announcement in the company of Santorum at the Statehouse. He said he once felt Santorum could not overcome Romney’s financial advantage but has decided he was wrong...Read More

Here is a Live Stream of Rick Santorum's speech in Columbus, OH.
MASON — Republican Rick Santorum wasted little time Friday evening to blast President Barack Obama’s plans for America, while making only a passing reference to primary opponent Mitt Romney. Making a patriotic speech to several hundred members of the Warren County Republican Party, the former Pennsylvania senator said there are stark choices in the general election.

“In 2008, people believed they needed a leader they could believe in,” he said. “What America wants is a leader that believes in them.”

He criticized Romney, referring to him as a “certain governor not for private-sector health care,” while criticizing the national health care plan pushed by Obama...Read More

“It’s not just about jobs,” Santorum said in his 30-minute speech. “What’s at stake is the soul of America. Where does Ohio stand? Where do they stand for families and small business? For churches and community organizations? Are they for local government and community control, or are they going to stand with Washington? That’s the decision for Ohio.”

Primary election day is approaching quickly now here in flyover country and the time has come for your Scottcarp Dream commentator in chief to throw his hat in the ring for better or worse.

I have always wanted to vote my convictions and principles, not necessarily what my political allies feel is the only way to go. What some consider to be common sense realities may prove to be the path we must follow yet once again. I such an eventuality, I will support the nearest can of tuna with an "R" stamped on it even if it tastes like shit as it is forced down my throat.  

I have decided that I must go against the grain at this point (as tends to be my way more often than not). I was raised in western PA and I know Rick Santorum's history better than most. I see a man who also lives by his convictions and his principles. A true heart and faith in God may not win the day against the Obama Regime in the bitter feud yet to come. Yet, I do see an opportunity to present a REAL dichotomy in what WE see and what THEY see as the future of our nation. The lines must be drawn HERE AND NOW. I see only one man with the spirit and drive to make the distinctions that must be made between the Leftist view and what the majority of Americans believe.

Therefor, on the day before Mr. Santorum appears here in Steubenville, OH...YES WE ARE A VERY POPULAR CITY THESE DAYS...I hereby endorse Rick Santorum for the Republican nomination for the presidency of the United States of America.

STEUBENVILLE - Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum will make a one-hour campaign stop here Monday as he continues to challeng former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination.

Santorum has been making an increasing number of campaign stops in Ohio as the March 6 primary nears.

Jefferson County Republican Party Chairman Dr. Brian Wilson said Santorum will make a public appearance from 10-11 a.m. at Froehlich's Classic Corner Restaurant.

The event is free and open to the public.

Santorum became connected to Steubenville in March 2010 when the Rev. Terrence Henry, TOR, president of the Franciscan University of Steubenville, presented the former Pennsylvania senator and his wife, Karen, with the university's Poverello Medal.

The ceremony was held at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Md., on March 11, 2010, and included more than 100 guests.

"We are here to honor a Catholic married couple whose pro-life witness inspires us all to keep fighting the good fight," said Henry...Read more about Santorum's local ties at The Herald Star

More Patton...Less Patten Leather...No Matter How It May Appear...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Support Your Demon Of Choice

Rep. Maxine Waters delivered a fiery speech to delegates at the California Democratic State Convention this past weekend, calling House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor “demons” whom she doesn’t want to see “in our hall, on our screens.”

“I saw pictures of Boehner and Cantor on our screens,” the California Democrat said in remarks posted online. “Don’t ever let me see again in life those Republicans in our hall, on our screens, talking about anything. These are demons.”...More at The Blaze

Fox News host Eric Bolling shocked his co-hosts on "Fox and Friends" when he told Rep. Maxine Waters to "step away from the crack pipe" on Thursday.

Bolling quickly said that he was "kidding."

Waters stirred up anger on the right when video surfaced on Wednesday showing her calling House Republican leaders John Boehner and Eric Cantor "demons."

On Thursday, Bolling and co-host Steve Doocy took turns bashing Waters for the remarks. But Bolling took things to another level.

"Congresswoman, you saw what happened to Whitney Houston," he said. "Step away from the crack pipe, step away from the Xanax, step away from the Lorazepam because it’s going to get you in trouble.”

The other hosts immediately gasped, and Doocy muttered, "she's not using drugs."

“How else do you explain those comments?” Bolling said. When the show returned from a break, Bolling quickly backtracked. "I just want to say I was kidding about the crack pipe," he said. "Just kidding.”

"Of course," Doocy said...More at Politico

Barack Obama might have the Foo Fighters playing for him, but Rick Santorum just got a much heavier endorsement. Dave Mustaine, one-time Metallica guitarist and founder of the speed-metal band Megadeth, has made clear his intention to endorse Rick Santorum, though he and his band are prepared to support anyone nominated against Barack Obama:

I’m just hoping that whatever is in the White House next year is a Republican,” Mustaine told “I can’t bear to watch what’s happened to our great country. Everybody’s got their head in the sand. Everybody in the industry is like, ‘Oh, Obama’s doing such a great job…’ I don’t think so. Not from what I see.”
Blasting Republican front-runner Mitt Romney for his five sons’ multimillion-dollar trust fund and Newt Gingrich for being “that angry little man,” he says he settled on Santorum.

“Earlier in the election, I was completely oblivious as to who Rick Santorum was, but when the dude went home to be with his daughter when she was sick, that was very commendable,” Mustaine told the music site...Read More

The band has also put out an amusing image featuring their mascot, Vic Rattlehead, mimicking a rather recognizable campaign poster:

All I have to say about this is...Those who throw the terms good and evil around with abandon, and who attempt to demonize their enemies piously and directly in order to gain politically and economically are doomed from the start.
One man's demon may be another man's angel, and neither has achieved that status without experiencing both sides of life.

Heavy metal hero Dave Mustaine has credited Christianity for turning his life around and making him realize he was "a weasel." The Megadeth star admits he wasn't a very nice person before he found God

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Islam's Contribution To Civilization

A security guard stands guard at the entrance of Maldives national museum in Male, Maldives, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012.

The museum is reopening without some of its most valuable exhibits a week after a mob of suspected religious extremists smashed images from the pre-Islamic era of this Indian Ocean archipelago.

The mob of apparent Muslim extremists attacked the museum during the Maldives’ unfolding political crisis. The country has seen weeks of protests and last week the president stepped down. He later said he was forced to resign at gunpoint. .(AP/ Gemunu Amarasinghe)

Radical Islamists ransacked the national museum last week destroying 99% of the pre-Islamic exhibits that dated back to the 6th Century.

CBS News reported, via Religion of Peace:
The Maldives’ national museum reopened Tuesday without some of its most valuable exhibits a week after a mob of suspected religious extremists smashed images from the pre-Islamic era of this Indian Ocean archipelago.

About 35 exhibits — mostly images of Buddha and Hindu gods — were destroyed in the attack. Some of the artifacts dated back to the sixth century, museum director Ali Waheed said.

Waheed says 99 percent of the Maldives’ pre-Islamic artifacts from before the 12th century, when most inhabitants were Buddhists or Hindus, were destroyed.

“Some of the pieces can be put together but mostly they are made of sandstone, coral and limestone, and they are reduced to powder,” he said.

The mob of suspected Muslim extremists attacked the museum during the Maldives’ unfolding political crisis. The country has seen weeks of protests and last week President Mohamed Nasheed stepped down. He later said he was forced to resign at gunpoint.

The attack was the latest blow to the island nation that is best known as a high-end tourist destination.

“We are very sad. This is the physical and archaeological evidence of the country, we have nothing to show (of the pre-Islamic history),” Waheed said.
                                                                   From Big Fur Hat 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Barack's Greatest Creations...The Early Years

The following post is being brought to you by Government Motors

Following his brief stint as a college student (well his brief time in a CLASSROOM anyway) Lil' Barry spent some time in the evil capitalist sphere before moving on to stardom.

Some of his early work was not so well received...

Some roles were too typecast to be believable...

Others were deemed to be below his "minority status"...

He always demanded top billing even for the minor roles he played on the "world stage".

Either way, audiences soon became aware of his pure fakery and chicanery onstage and off. They also became bored with his snobbery and constant grabbing of the limelight.

Now it seems that Lil' Barry has turned to producing material and setting the stage for the next generation of stars.

He’s baaaack.

Okay, so maybe Van Jones never really went away. But if you read the San Francisco Chronicle this weekend, you would know that the former green jobs czar who resigned after he was exposed as a 9/11 truther is back on the rise.* In fact, one of the paper’s blogs dubbed him a “star” again after his speech at the California Democratic Convention — a convention, mind you, filled with praise for the Occupy Movement. A movement that, ironically, was protesting the event.
What do you get when you cross Van Jones, the Occupy movement, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom and the rest of the California Democratic Party? Why, a veritable orgy of mutual admiration and clueless self-congratulation.

It all came to a head this weekend at the California Democratic Convention in San Diego, where Van Jones was treated like a rock star even as he sang the praises of the Occupiers and engaged in blatant class warfare.

Two articles set the scene. First, a blog post eyewitness account from SFGate’s Carla Marinucci:

Democrats’ star speaker Van Jones fires up crowd — and emerges party “leader of the future”?
Van Jones, the former Obama Administration green czar who resigned in controversy, appears on the fast track to a political comeback — emerging as a star at this weekend’s California Democratic convention and lauded by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as a “leader of the future.” Read More at the PJ Tattler

In any case it seems assured that Barry Saetoro will be spreading his influence and much cash around for years to come. Whether onstage or behind the scenes this darling of the Leftist stage refuses to be denied his time in the sun.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Obama's Greatest Hits

In honor of the upcoming Lefty cinematic awards ceremonies, I hereby present the greatest roles that our Dear Leader has graced the screen with. Some may be reruns to you, but please give them a close review. This crafty actor has been known to slip by us with some very slick performances.
These parodies are produced, created, directed. and edited by Big Fur Hat.

And Now On The Cutting Room Floor...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sign of the Times: The Haters Blog Award

The cool nice blogger kids get theirs... I figured we who were raised by wolves and are a little rough around the edges deserved one of our own.

I don't give a fuck how many followers you have, and you can post it in your sidebar or some other place of dishonor or do with it as you wish.

I created and awarded this coveted medallion to those of you who do one or more of the following:

-would willingly gut a fool like a carp.
-string multiple curse words together in a glorious fashion.
-could incite Mother Teresa to turn tricks with your writing skills.
-post mostly original content.
-use a blogger template layout with dark, threatening images and a background that is always mostly all black because it is intimidating and shows you mean business and are not to be trifled with.
-don't post cat pictures.
-dig guns but don't act like an asshole about it.
-exhibit a warped, demented sense of humor.
-make me think I'd like to drink beer and shoot the shit with you.

Feel free to pass it on to anyone you please.

You don't have to link to anybody.

You don't have to give a fuck.

In fact, not giving a fuck is of paramount importance...

There are no rules, except for the rule that there are no rules.

I will get around to passing out more awards later, but right now I need to take a nap and then go to work.

Congrats to those who have already been honored.

You are in rarefied air, my friends.

Huzzah and shit...

A big tip of the hat to walter zoomie's world

And my condolences to Odie, but mine is bigger and meaner than yours...Yo' still the man dude!

And finally...a little side note for those of you who may see me on Facebook from time to time. I may be changing my format somewhat in the near future. Expect even BIGGER and MEANER things to pop their ugly heads up from tome to time.

Recently, I took a sabbatical from my site to concentrate more on my REAL job. Things have gotten back to a somewhat normal schedule for me now as my sales and delivery season has settled down somewhat.

But, in my absence, Facebook took it upon themselves to bestow upon me "THE SPAMMY AWARD". Yes folks, your beloved host of The Scottcarp Dream and The Warrior Bard was declared by Facebook Networked Blogs to have been posting "ABUSIVE" material! I was denied access to the networking site and my posts were no longer being posted to Facebook. These are "UNFAIR" and "UNFOUNDED ALLEGATIONS" I cried

Well, I was flabbergasted to say the least. MEEE; Little old blogmeister MEEE; being accused of such behavior---CERTAINLY NOT!

Upon further investigation I discovered what is, or what I believe to be the  INSULTING AND DEGRADING MATERIAL in question.

This simple man of extremely discerning taste will now give you the link to what has caused such an uproar in his short absence.
My site has subsequently been reinstated to the ranks of "ACCEPTABLE ONLINE JOURNALISTS" by Facebook....I COULD GIVE  A GOOD RUSTY FUCK!

Well, here goes nuttin' folks....Have a great time out there and expect even more of the same from me, and sometimes I BITE!

The link to this award winning material is

And, watch what you post on Facebook...